Atabapoense Philodendron Care Guide 

Welcome to the world of indoor gardening! If you’re a beginner looking for a gorgeous and low-maintenance plant to brighten up your living space, the Atabapoense Philodendron is an excellent choice. With its attractive foliage and adaptability, this tropical beauty can thrive in a variety of environments. In this comprehensive care guide, we will cover everything you need to know to keep your Atabapoense Philodendron happy and healthy. So grab your gardening gloves and let’s dive in!

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    Get to Know Your Plant

    The Atabapoense Philodendron is known for its air-purifying properties, making it an excellent choice for those seeking cleaner and fresher air within their homes.

    According to Clemson Universit, climbing Philodendrons require vertical support to reach their maximum size. This holds true for the Philodendron Atabapoense as well.

    Scientific NamePhilodendron Atabapoense
    Common NameAtabapoense Philodendron, Atabapoense, P. Atabapoense
    OriginVenezuela and Brazil
    HeightUp to 8 feet
    SoilWell drain soil
    WaterWhen the soil dries deep two inches
    SunlightDiffused bright light
    Temperature15-32°C (59-90°F)
    Toxic to Cats & DogsYes
    Hardiness zoneUSDA Zones 4b-11
    PestsAphids, mealybugs, scale, spider mites
    DiseasesRoot rot

    How to Care Atabapoense Philodendron plant?

    Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of care, let’s acquaint ourselves with the Atabapoense Philodendron. It is native to the Southern region of Venezuela and the Amazonian region of Brazil, this striking plant features large, glossy leaves that can grow up to a foot long. Its vibrant green color and unique leaf shape make it an eye-catching addition to any indoor space. Light and air humidity levels are the two most significant components of young Philodendron Atabapoense plant care. All relevant information on this plant care can be found in the following sections.


    This tropical plant thrives in warm and humid conditions, making it an ideal candidate for greenhouse cultivation.The ideal temperature range for the Philodendron Atabapoense is between 12 and 26 degrees Celsius (55 to 80 o F). This temperature range provides the optimal conditions for maximum growth and development. If you’re growing this plant outdoors in colder zones, you will have to bring it indoors during the winter months to protect it from freezing temperatures, which it cannot withstand.

    Understanding your plant’s temperature requirements is crucial because it affects not only its growth but also its water and humidity needs. Generally, this species prefers warmer daytime temperatures and cooler night temperatures, but it’s important to note that the minimum temperature should not be less than 55 o F (12 degrees Celsius).

    To create optimal growing conditions for your Philodendron Atabapoense, consider using a heating pad designed specifically for plant cultivation or investing in a greenhouse that provides regulated temperature and humidity levels.


    The Atabapoense Philodendron, in particular, needs medium sun exposure, ranging from 70 – 85%. This means that it can survive in low to medium light conditions, but it does experience the most prolific growth under higher light levels.

    While some gardeners may suggest partial or dappled shade for this plant, the general rule is to provide it with bright filtered light without exposing it directly to full sun. This will keep the plant healthy and happy without causing any sun damage.

    If you plan on growing your Atabapoense Philodendron outdoors, it’s recommended to use a 40 to 70% shade cloth to block any direct sunlight during peak hours. Direct sunlight can harm the plant’s beautiful coloration on its leaves, so it’s essential to protect it from these rays.


    When it comes to placement, it’s essential to avoid exposing the Philodendron Atabapoense to extreme temperature fluctuations. Cold drafts and exposure to heaters can damage the plant and ultimately lead to its demise.

    Humidity Requirement for Philo Atabapoense

    One plant that is particularly sensitive to humidity levels is the Philodendron, a genus of tropical plants that includes many popular houseplants. These plants come from humid regions and find it difficult to thrive in dry indoor environments. In fact, it is recommended to maintain a humidity level of about 65 to 70% or higher for Philodendrons to flourish.

    So, how do you accomplish this? There are a number of ways to increase the humidity around your Philodendron.

    Mist your plant

    One easy method is to mist the foliage regularly. Simply fill a spray bottle with water and mist the leaves every few days. This will add moisture to the air and create a more favorable environment for your plant.

    Plant grouping

    Another method is to group several plants together. As they transpire, or lose water through their leaves, they create a humid microclimate around themselves. This is why rainforests are so moist and humid, with such diverse plant life.

    Pebbles tary

    The use of a pebble tray is another effective way to increase humidity around your plants. Simply fill a shallow tray with pebbles or rocks and add water until it reaches just below the level of the stones. Place your plant on top of the pebbles, making sure the roots are not submerged in water. As the water evaporates, it will create a humid environment for your plant.

    Plant humidifier

    Lastly, a humidifier is a pricey but reliable alternative to all these methods. It will provide a steady source of moisture and help maintain the optimal humidity level for your Philodendron.

    Watering Philodendron Atabapoense Plant

    This plant requires frequent watering during the growing season, but reduced watering during winter.

    During the growing season, the Atabapoense plant needs to be watered once or twice a week when the top two inches of soil surface is dry. It’s important to avoid overwatering, which could lead to root rot and other plant diseases. To water your plant, water deeply so that water runs from the drainage holes. You can wait a few minutes after watering the plant to collect excess water in the saucer or tray. Be sure to empty the tray to prevent the plant from sitting in water.

    Avoid Overwatering

    The Atabapoense plant is highly sensitive to overwatering, so it’s important to pay special attention to its watering needs. To increase the drainage of your potting mix, you can add perlite or orchid bark. Watering your plant in small amounts is recommended to prevent overwatering stress. If you notice that the leaves become droopy, it’s a sign that the plant needs more water or is being watered more than necessary.

    Allowing the soil to dry in between watering is crucial to keep the plant healthy. Overwatering can stunt plant growth and even cause the roots to rot. It’s better to underwater the Atabapoense plant than to overwater it because underwatering is easier to correct.

    Atabapoense Philodendron Soil Requirement

    The philodendron atabapoense care requires moist potting soil that is rich in organic matter. You can either buy a ready-made potting soil mix from a garden center or prepare your own potting soil.

    If you decide to prepare your own potting soil mix, ensure that it is airy and fluffy. A well-draining mix contains good potting soil, peat moss, orchid potting medium, and perlite in equal proportions. These components will allow excess water to drain freely, preventing the soil from getting too waterlogged, which could damage the roots.

    Philodendron Atabapoense can also grow in soilless mixes, such as 100% sphagnum peat moss, perlite, or peat vermiculite. These soilless mixes have excellent drainage and moisture retention properties.

    If you plan to grow your Philodendron Atabapoense outdoors, ensure that the soil is suitable for your region’s climate. The most suitable USDA hardiness zones for outdoor planting are 9b to 11, particularly in mild climates. If you are within the hardiness zones 4a to 11, you can also use the Philodendron Atabapoense as a patio plant.

    The soil pH level is another crucial factor to consider when growing Philodendron Atabapoense. The ideal pH range is between 6.1 to 7.3, which is slightly acidic to neutral. This range is perfect for the plant’s roots to absorb nutrients effectively.

    Fertilizing Philo Atabapoense

    Fertilizer plays a significant role in the growth and maintenance of plants, including the Philodendron Atabapoense. Fertilizing your plant is not mandatory, but it can help promote healthy leaf growth, ensuring that your plant thrives in its environment.When you receive your Philodendron Atabapoense, the first thing you should do is feed it with a diluted vitamin solution. This will help give your plant a boost of nutrients to help it adjust to its new environment. After this initial feeding, you can start to think about a regular fertilizing schedule.

    Slow release fertilizer

    One of the best choices for fertilizing your Philodendron Atabapoense is slow-release fertilizer. This type of fertilizer can be applied 2 to 3 times per year, which helps provide consistent nutrients to your plant over time. Slow-release fertilizers also don’t require frequent application, meaning you can save time and effort while keeping your plant healthy.

    Synthetic fertilizer

    If you decide to use a synthetic fertilizer, such as 20-20-20, you will need to apply it bi-weekly or monthly during the spring, early summer, and late summer months. Synthetic fertilizers can also be tailored to meet specific needs, such as promoting leaf growth, in which case you could use a 20-10-20 fertilizer. However, it is essential to dilute synthetic fertilizers to half-strength based on the manufacturer’s recommendation or label.


    Organic fertilizers are another great option for your Philodendron Atabapoense. A well-balanced organic fertilizer with a ratio of 1-1-1, or a nitrogen-based fertilizer like 2-1-1, can help promote healthy plant growth. Regardless of the type of fertilizer you use, it’s important to remember not to overfertilize your plants.

    Ovoid overfertilizing

    One common mistake that many plant owners make is overfertilizing their plants. Overfertilization can lead to a buildup of salts in the soil, which can damage your plant’s roots and eventually lead to its demise. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the fertilizer packaging, and never fertilize your plant in the autumn or winter months when it goes into dormancy.

    Pruning Philodendron Atabapoense Mature Plant

    Pruning your Philodendron Atabapoense involves removing any dead, damaged or yellowing parts of the plant. These parts of the plant won’t recover, and by removing them, you’ll be conserving the plant’s useful energy that can be put towards new growth. Light pruning can also encourage new growth, whereas heavy pruning can shock the plant and result in slow growth. Therefore, trimming away the damaged parts is essential to keep the plant healthy and thriving.

    When it comes to pruning your Philodendron Atabapoense, it’s essential to do it safely. We recommend wearing gloves and sterilizing your pruning tools to prevent the spread of any fungus or disease. Remember, any cut on the plant is an open wound, and it’s important to reduce the potential for infections.

    Now, let’s talk about how to prune your Philodendron Atabapoense. Begin by inspecting the plant thoroughly, and identify which parts are damaged, yellowing, or dead. Using sharp, sterilized pruning tools, make clean cuts at least ¼ inch above the leaf node or joint. By cutting above the node, you encourage new growth.

    If your Philodendron Atabapoense is severely overgrown, you may need to do some heavy pruning. In this case, space out your pruning sessions over several weeks. Trying to do it all in one go can shock the plant and result in slow growth.

    Potting & Repotting

    When it comes to potting, the first thing to consider is the container. Philodendron plants, including Atabapoense, require containers with good drainage. The ideal container size for your plant is a medium-sized plastic, terracotta, or clay pot. These materials are permeable, allowing air and moisture to pass through the soil, providing the plant with the right amount of oxygen and preventing the soil from staying soggy.

    One of the primary causes of poor plant health is a lack of drainage, which leads to root rot. To avoid this, your pot must have openings at the bottom to allow water to flow out and maintain proper plant hydration.

    Over time, your Philodendron Atabapoense will outgrow its current container and require repotting. A good rule of thumb is to repot your plant every two to three years or whenever it outgrows its existing container. However, it is best to replace the potting soil with a fresh batch every year in the spring season to ensure that your plant has all the essential nutrients it needs to grow.

    Philodendrons prefer loose soil as it allows for more root growth, ensuring that your plants grow healthy and strong. If you notice any signs of overcrowding, such as stunted growth or yellowing leaves, it is best to repot the plant. Neglecting this could lead to the Atabapoense becoming root-bound, which slows its growth rate.

    As an extra step, you can fertilize your repotted plant with liquid seaweed fertilizer. This type of fertilizer is an excellent source of nutrients that help to boost plant growth and enhance the overall health of your Philodendron Atabapoense.

    Propagation:Multiplying the Beauty

    If you want to expand your Atabapoense Philodendron collection or share its beauty with friends, propagation is an exciting option. Try these methods:

    Stem Cuttings

    Stem cuttings are a great way to propagate your Atabapoense Philodendron, and there are two main methods you can use- soil and water propagation. In this blog post, we will be discussing stem cuttings in soil and stem cuttings in water.

    Stem Cuttings In Soil

    When propagating your Atabapoense Philodendron through stem cuttings in soil, it is essential to:

    • Cut. Look for a healthy section of your plant with at least one node. Trim it off using clean shears.
    • Prepare soil. Moisten a coarse potting mix with perlite, peat moss, or vermiculite and put it in a pot.
    • Dip and plant. Dip your cutting in rooting hormone and plant it in the pot soil, positioning the node just below the soil surface.
    • Water. Water your cutting thoroughly, then keep the soil moist but not soaking. Place the pot in a well-lit, well-ventilated area.
    • Maintain. After about four to six weeks, your cutting should have rooted and will begin to show new growth. Continue watering your plant and wait until it has grown big enough to be transplanted into a new pot or placed in its permanent location.
    Stem Cuttings In water

    The following are essential steps in water-propagating your Atabapoense:

    • Cut. Look for a healthy section of your plant with at least one node. Trim it off using clean shears.
    • Submerge. Let your cutting sit in a water-filled transparent container. To avoid rot, make sure no leaves are immersed.
    • Maintain. While waiting for roots to grow, keep your cutting in a well-lit, well-ventilated area.
    • Refill. Refill the container when it’s empty or dirty. The plant nodes should be constantly exposed to water to produce roots,
    • Transplant. After 2-3 weeks, check to see if your cutting has enough roots to be planted in the soil. If there are around two to three inches of roots, you can now transplant your Atabapoense Philodendron to soil.

    Air Layering

    Air layering can be done with different plants, but one of the most common is the Philodendron Atabapoense. Here’s how to air layer your plant:

    Select a Healthy Section:Before choosing a stem to air layer, make sure it’s healthy and has at least one node. This process works best during the growing season when the plant’s vegetative growth is at its peak, allowing it to recover quickly from the process.

    Wrap the Stem:Cover the chosen node with cling wrap, then wrap it with a damp sphagnum peat moss, coco coir, or perlite layer tightly. Secure it in place with twist ties or string to prevent the wrap from getting wet.

    Monitor for Root Growth:Check once a week to see if roots are developing. If the substrate starts to dry out, moisten it to keep it damp. Avoid wrapping the plant where it’s exposed to direct sunlight or near heat sources.

    Cut and Plant:Once the new roots have grown to your desired length, cut the wrapped section slightly below the node. Clean the area with hydrogen peroxide or cinnamon powder to prevent infection and allow a few hours to dry. Finally, wrap the area with tape or a moist cloth, and plant the cutting in your desired substrate.


    Dividing the stem clusters can be a great way to expand your aquarium greenery. It’s a simple process that involves dig up, separate and repot. Here’s how you can prepare your plant for the dividing process.

    Dig up: Remove your plant from its container and examine it closely. You should be able to see the natural divisions of the plant quite clearly. Depending on the size of your plant, you may need to make use of a small shovel to remove it from the pot.

    Separate: Using your fingers, gently tease the sections apart. If there are roots that are tangled, carefully cut them with a pair of shears. Be sure to leave a healthy number of roots on each section for it to thrive.

    Repot: Once you have separated the sections, it’s time to repot them in fresh soil. Using the same type of soil that they were previously grown in will help to ensure a healthy transition. Plant each section in their own pots and water thoroughly.

    That’s it! In no time, you’ll have a variety of P. Atabapoense plants growing in your aquarium. Remember to care for your newly propagated plants in the same way as your established ones. Good lighting, nutrient-rich water, and regular maintenance will keep your aquatic plants healthy and thriving.

    Pests and Diseases of Atabapoense Plant

    The Atabapoense Philodendron is a sturdy plant that typically resists pests and diseases. However, some problems may still arise. To maintain your plant’s health, here are some common concerns and solutions.

    Fungus Gnats

    These pests lay their eggs in soil, which hatch into larvae that feed on roots. Signs include grayish-black flying insects near the pot and plant symptoms that resemble root rot. To address the issue, reduce watering schedules to dry eggs and larvae, and water less frequently. If needed, mix one cup of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide with four cups of water and pour onto soil.

    White Flies

    Soft-bodied winged insects, whiteflies may lay eggs, which larvae will feed on the Philodendron’s leaves. Use indoor-safe insecticides, such as insecticidal soap, neem oil, and horticultural oil, to kill whiteflies at all stages.


    Similar to head lice, mealybugs are fuzzy, white insects that suck nutrients from plants and can stunt growth or kill the Atabapoense Philodendron. You can spray them with neem oil or wipe them off with a cotton ball soaked in isopropyl alcohol.

    Drooping Leaves

    Wilting or droopy leaves may indicate overwatering, underwatering, excessive or inadequate light exposure, or low humidity. Check the plant’s environment and adjust accordingly.

    Root Rot

    This disease is a common cause of death for the Philodendron Atabapoense, resulting from compact soil that becomes waterlogged and rots roots. Prevent root rot by reducing watering frequency, using a porous pot with drainage holes, and checking the soil’s dryness before watering.

    Toxicity of Philodendron Atabapoense

    Like many philodendron species, the Atabapoense Philodendron is toxic to humans and pets if ingested. Keep it out of reach.


    What is an Atabapoense Philodendron plant?

    The Atabapoense Philodendron is a popular houseplant known for its striking long foliage. This plant is a type of philodendron and is also known as Philodendron “Atabapoense”. It features large,long, glossy, heart-shaped leaves with deep green coloration and light green veins.

    Where does the Atabapoense Philodendron plant come from?

    The Atabapoense Philodendron originates from the rainforests of South America, particularly from the Amazon basin in Brazil, Ecuador, and Colombia. It is named after the Atabapo River, which is located in the Amazon rainforest.

    What are the ideal growing conditions for the Atabapoense Philodendron plant?

    The Atabapoense Philodendron thrives in bright, indirect light and moderately high humidity. It prefers temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C) and requires well-draining soil that stays consistently moist, but not wet. It can tolerate low light conditions, but this may result in slower growth and smaller leaves

    How often should I water my Atabapoense Philodendron plant?

    The Atabapoense Philodendron requires regular watering, but it is important not to overwater. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between watering and water thoroughly, ensuring that excess water can drain away. Water frequency can vary depending on environmental factors such as temperature and humidity, but a general rule is to water every 10-14 days.

    What kind of soil does the Atabapoense Philodendron plant need?

    The Atabapoense Philodendron prefers well-draining soil that retains moisture, such as a mixture of peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite. It is also important to ensure that the soil is rich in organic matter

    Does the Atabapoense Philodendron plant require any special nutrients or fertilizers?

    The Atabapoense Philodendron benefits from regular feeding during the growing season, which is typically spring and summer. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 2-4 weeks. It is also important to ensure that the soil is rich in organic matter to provide essential nutrients to the plant.

    How often should I prune my Atabapoense Philodendron plant?

    The Atabapoense Philodendron requires occasional pruning to promote bushier growth and prevent legginess. Pruning is best done in spring or early summer, and any dead or damaged foliage should be removed promptly.

    Can I propagate my Atabapoense Philodendron plant?

    Yes, the Atabapoense Philodendron can be propagated through stem cuttings. Use a clean, sharp knife to make a cutting, ensuring that it has at least one node and a few leaves. Place the cutting in water or moist soil, keeping it in a warm, bright location. Roots should begin to form within a few weeks

    Are there any common pests or diseases that affect the Atabapoense Philodendron plant?

    The Atabapoense Philodendron is generally resistant to pests and diseases, but it can still be affected by issues such as spider mites, mealybugs, and fungal leaf spots. Regularly inspecting the plant and maintaining good hygiene and growing conditions can help prevent these issues

    How big can the Atabapoense Philodendron plant grow?

    The Atabapoense Philodendron can grow up to 4-6 feet in height and width when given the appropriate growing conditions. However, it can also be kept smaller through regular pruning and repotting.

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