How to prune pothos?
How to prune pothos?

If you own a pothos plant, this blog post is for you. Over time, your pothos may need some care. Pothos plants are known for being very productive. Sometimes, they can become too productive. One moment, you see vines reaching the floor and crawling on your bookshelves. In such situations, you need to use pruners to take control and cut the excess growth. Today, we will talk about pruning pothos plants. It can help your plant stay healthy and vibrant. Are you ready to learn how to prune pothos? In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know. Let’s get started.

Understanding Pothos pruning terms

To begin, let’s define a few terms so we’re clear on what we’re discussing. When we mention nodes, we’re referring to the point where the stem and leaf intersect, or where an aerial root might appear. Aerial root nodes are small, brown bumps. Ideally, you should trim near one of these nodes as it is where new growth will also appear. The section of the stem that connects nodes is called the internode. The petiole is where the leaf is connected to the stem. To begin trimming, grab your pruners and prepare yourself.

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    Types of pruning pothos plants

    When growing pothos, there are two types of pruning that you can do. The first type is to encourage branching. By snipping a vine near a node, you can promote new growth in the form of multiple branches. This can be done to any branch of any length. The second type of pruning is to remove length. This is helpful for vines that have become unruly and need to be controlled.

    Regardless of the type of pruning you choose, the process is the same. It is important to have your goals in mind before starting, so you can shape the plant accordingly.

    To prune the pothos, you will need a sharp and clean pair of scissors or secateurs. Make a cut just below a node to achieve the desired pruning effect.

    When to Prune Pothos?

    Pothos plants generally don’t require frequent pruning like some other plants.

    However, occasional trimming is necessary, especially when the vines start to grow excessively long.

    If you notice your pothos producing vines that resemble Tarzan’s swing instead of the delicate tendrils we adore, it’s time for some trimming.

    You can do this at any time of the year, but avoid pruning during winter if you want to promote bushier growth.

    Although it won’t harm the plant, new growth is less likely to occur until spring, leaving you with an unattractive bare stump until the growing season returns.

    How to prune to grow bushier photos?

    If you want your plants to grow bushier, prune near the base of the plant. This will encourage new leaves to sprout from the shorter stems. If you have a long vine that needs to be trimmed, cut it wherever you prefer to shorten it. Take a step back and assess the overall shape of the plant. Sometimes, we get caught up in the pruning process and lose sight of the bigger picture. If needed, go back in and trim more to achieve the desired shape.

    These plants are resilient and can handle significant pruning, but make sure to leave at least two nodes above the soil on each stem for regeneration. To prune effectively, use a pair of sharp and clean scissors or secateurs. Make the cut just below a node for best results.

    How To Cut Back Pothos?

    To cut back pothos, start by selecting the vines you want to prune. Cut each vine about ¼ inch above the leaf, at the node where the leaf meets the vine. This will prompt the pothos to grow a new vine in that area. Be careful not to leave any leafless vines as they are unlikely to regrow. If necessary, remove these vines completely. Repeat the pruning process for each vine until you are satisfied with the visual results. If you only want to lightly prune, you can simply take tip cuttings from the longer vines.

    How to trim Pothos leaves?

    If you notice that some of the plant leaves are browning or turning yellow. It’s a common issue that can be easily resolved by trimming the affected leaves. Trimming helps to improve the overall health and appearance of your plant.

    Damage foliage

    To trim Pothos leaves, you’ll need a clean pair of scissors. First, identify the damaged foliage – the leaves that are browning or yellowing. The best way to remove them is by cutting off the leaf where the petiole (leaf stem) meets the main stem of the plant.

    Brown tip leaves

    Sometimes, you may notice that only the tip of the leaf has turned brown. This can happen due to low humidity levels in your home or if the plant gets accidentally bumped or knocked about. In such cases, you can simply trim away the dead part of the leaf to make your plant look healthier and tidier.

    Sterilized tools

    Ensure that you use clean scissors for trimming to prevent the transfer of any diseases or pests. It’s also a good idea to clean the scissor blades with rubbing alcohol before and after each use. This helps to minimize the risk of introducing any unwanted pathogens to your beloved Pothos plant.

    How to propagate pothos pruned vines?

    • Cut the vine about ¼ inch (2/3 cm) above a leaf.
    • The spot where the leaf meets the vine is called a node.
    • After pruning, the pothos will grow a new vine from that node.
    • Be sure not to leave any vine without leaves, as they are unlikely to regrow.
    • If you want a light pruning, just trim the tips of long vines.
    • Propagate your pothos by cutting the vines into smaller sections.
    • Remove the bottom leaf to expose the node.
    • Place the node in water in a vase or propagation station.
    • Ensure the bare node is submerged in water.
    • Each cutting should have one or two leaves.
    • Roots will grow at the nodes.
    • When the roots are about 1 inch (2.5 cm) long, you can plant them in a pot.
    • You can start a new plant or replant them in the same pot to make it fuller.

    Fast-growing varieties of Pothos

    Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a popular and easy-to-grow houseplant known for its fast growth and ability to thrive even in low-light conditions. While most pothos varieties can grow relatively quickly, some may require more frequent pruning due to their vigorous growth habits. Here are a few pothos varieties known for their fast growth and potential need for regular pruning:

    Epipremnum aureum (Golden Pothos):

    This is one of the most common and fastest-growing pothos varieties. It features heart-shaped green leaves with yellow or golden marbling. Golden Pothos can quickly become long and vine-like, making it a candidate for regular pruning to control its size.

    Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’:

    This variety is similar to Golden Pothos but has leaves with more pronounced white and green marbling. Its growth rate can be quite rapid, and pruning may be necessary to maintain its shape and prevent it from becoming too leggy.

    Epipremnum aureum ‘Neon’:

    Neon Pothos is known for its bright, chartreuse-colored leaves. It can grow quickly, and periodic pruning can help keep it bushy and compact.

    Epipremnum aureum ‘Jade’:

    Jade Pothos has solid green leaves and can also grow at a moderate to fast rate. Pruning can help maintain its appearance and prevent it from becoming too unruly.

    Epipremnum aureum ‘Manjula’:

    Manjula Pothos features uniquely variegated leaves with cream, silver, and green patterns. While it may not grow as fast as some other varieties, it can still benefit from occasional pruning to encourage branching and maintain its striking appearance.

    Enhancing Shape and Growth with Moss Pole

    One of the main benefits of utilizing a moss pole is the ability to shape your pothos plant. As the vines grow, you can train them to wrap around the pole, resulting in a more compact and controlled growth pattern. This is especially useful after pruning your pothos, as it ensures the regrowth remains in shape and prevents it from becoming unruly.


    In conclusion, trimming Pothos leaves is an ongoing process that you might need to do from time to time. Regularly inspect your plant and remove any leaves that show signs of damage or disease. This will help to keep your Pothos thriving and looking its best.


    How often should I prune my Pothos plants?

    Pruning is an important task when it comes to maintaining the health and appearance of your Pothos plants. But how often should you prune them? The frequency of pruning largely depends on the growth rate of your Pothos plants. On average, pruning once every few months should suffice to keep your plants in good shape. However, if your plants grow rapidly, you may need to prune them more frequently.

    Why is pruning important for Pothos plants?

    Pruning plays a crucial role in the overall health and growth of your Pothos plants. It helps to remove any dead or diseased leaves, promotes better air circulation, prevents overcrowding, and encourages the growth of new shoots and leaves. Pruning also helps to maintain the desired size and shape of your plant.

    When is the best time to prune Pothos plants?

    The best time to prune your Pothos plants is during their active growing season, which is usually in spring or summer. During this time, the plant is in its prime growth phase, and pruning will stimulate new growth. However, you can also prune them at any time of the year if necessary, but avoid pruning during the winter months as the plants are usually dormant.

    How do I know if my Pothos plant needs pruning?

    It’s important to keep an eye on your Pothos plants for signs that they need pruning. Look out for leaves that are yellowing, browning, or damaged. If you notice any overcrowding or leggy growth, it might be time for a trim. Additionally, if your plant is becoming too large for its space, pruning can help to control its size.

    Can I use any tool to prune my Pothos plants?

    When it comes to the tools for pruning Pothos plants, you don’t need anything fancy. A pair of clean and sharp pruning shears or scissors will do the job just fine. Remember to sanitize your tools before and after each use to prevent the spread of diseases.

    How much of the plant should I trim during pruning?

    When trimming your Pothos plants, it’s important to be mindful of how much you cut. Aim to remove about one-third of the plant’s length or less. Avoid drastic cuts as they can shock the plant and hinder its ability to recover.

    Should I remove all the yellow or damaged leaves during pruning?

    While it’s not necessary to remove all of the yellow or damaged leaves during pruning, it is recommended to remove those that are severely affected. Removing these leaves will not only improve the aesthetic appeal of the plant but also prevent the spread of diseases or pest infestations.

    Can I propagate the cuttings from Pothos pruning?

    Yes, you can propagate the cuttings from your Pothos pruning. Pothos plants are known for their ability to propagate easily from stem cuttings. Simply take a healthy cutting, around 4 to 6 inches in length, and place it in water or soil. Within a few weeks, roots will start to develop, and you’ll have a new Pothos plant to grow.

    What should I do with the pruned stems and leaves?

    Once you have pruned your Pothos plants, you may be wondering what to do with the pruned stems and leaves. You can either discard them or use them for propagation purposes. You can also compost them if you have a compost bin or use them as organic mulch in your garden.

    Will pruning promote new growth in my Pothos plants?

    Pruning is known to promote new growth in Pothos plants. When you remove older or damaged parts of the plant, it stimulates the growth of new shoots and leaves. This helps to rejuvenate the plant, keep it healthy, and maintain its bushy appearance.

    Can I prune my Pothos plants if they are not growing well?

    If your Pothos plants are not growing well, pruning can still be beneficial. By removing any dead or diseased parts, you can redirect the plant’s energy towards healthy growth. Additionally, pruning can help to address issues such as overgrowth or leggy growth, allowing the plant to thrive.

    Is there any specific technique for pruning Pothos plants?

    While there is no specific technique for pruning Pothos plants, there are a few general guidelines to follow. Start by identifying the areas that need pruning, such as dead or damaged leaves and overcrowded sections. Make clean cuts just above a node or leaf junction, as this is where new growth will emerge from. Lastly, remember to sanitize your tools before and after each cut to prevent the spread of diseases.

    How can I prevent over-pruning my Pothos plants?

    Over-pruning can be detrimental to the health of your Pothos plants. Avoid removing more than one-third of the plant’s foliage at a time, as this can stress the plant and slow down its growth. Be mindful of its growth rate and only prune as needed to maintain its shape and health.

    Can Pothos plants survive if not pruned regularly?

    While Pothos plants can survive without regular pruning, they will benefit greatly from it. Regular pruning helps to maintain the plant’s shape, prevent overcrowding, and promote new growth. Without pruning, the plant may become unruly, leggy, and less vibrant over time.

    Is it necessary to prune Pothos plants during winter?

    Pruning Pothos plants during winter is generally not necessary. During this time, Pothos plants tend to enter a period of dormancy, and their growth rate slows down. It’s best to reserve pruning for the active growing season to allow the plant to focus on its natural rhythm and conserve energy during the winter months.

    How do I trim Pothos leaves?

    Trim Pothos leaves by cutting off the damaged foliage where the petiole meets the stem.

    What should I do if only the tip of the leaf has turned brown?

    If only the tip of the leaf has turned brown, use clean scissors to trim away the dead part for a healthier and tidier plant appearance.

    How do I clean up browning or yellowing leaves on my Pothos plant?

    To clean up browning or yellowing leaves, remove the damaged foliage by cutting off the leaf where the petiole meets the stem.

    Why do Pothos leaves turn brown or yellow?

    Pothos leaves can turn brown or yellow due to low humidity or if the plant gets bumped or knocked about.

    Should I use a specific tool to trim Pothos leaves?

    Use a clean pair of scissors to trim Pothos leaves for best results.

    How can I make my Pothos plant look healthier and tidier?

    Trimming away dead or damaged parts of the plant can make your Pothos plant look healthier and tidier.

    Can I use any scissors to trim Pothos leaves?

    Yes, as long as they are clean, you can use any scissors to trim Pothos leaves.

    Is Pothos a hardy plant?

    Yes, Pothos plants are generally hardy, but they can experience browning or yellowing of leaves from time to time.

    Will trimming Pothos leaves help the plant recover?

    Yes, trimming damaged foliage can help the Pothos plant recover and promote healthy growth.

    How often should I trim Pothos leaves?

    Trim Pothos leaves as needed when you notice browning or yellowing of the foliage.