Hey there, plant lovers! If you’re looking for a low-maintenance houseplant that’s easy to care for and grows quickly, then you’ll love philodendron black cardinal!
Black Cardinal Philodendron are beautiful and easy to care for houseplants. They’re perfect for those just starting out with houseplants, as they’re incredibly forgiving and low-maintenance. In this guide, we’ll be covering everything you need to know to keep your philodendron happy and healthy. From light and water requirements to fertilization and pest control, this guide will help you provide the best care for your philodendron.
How do care philodendron black cardinal Plant?
Black cardinal philodendron care requires an atmosphere to mimic its natural tropical environment. Place your plant near a sunny window, but beware of direct sunlight, as it can burn delicate leaves. Make sure to provide plenty of warmth and moisture, and during warm weather, you can put your philodendron outside in a shady spot to get some fresh air and natural light.
To keep your philodendron black cardinal looking its best, regularly wipe the leaves off with a damp cloth. This will help keep the leaves clean and functioning properly. Philodendrons don’t usually have any serious issues with pests or diseases, but they can be susceptible to common houseplant pests such as aphids, mealybugs, scales, thrips, and spider mites. If you do find any pests, treat them with a natural insecticidal soap or horticultural oil.
Summary of Black Cardinal Philodendron
Botanical Name | Philodendron erubescens ‘Black Cardinal’ |
Light needs: | Diffused sunlight |
Hardiness Zone | 10 to 12 |
Common names | Philodendron Black Cardinal |
Watering needs: | When pot soil dries up to 2″ |
Fertilizer: | Feed once a month in the growing season |
Soil: | Rich, loamy, quick-draining |
Humidity: | 70% |
Temperature: | 65 to 78ºF (18 to 26ºC) |
Where to buy: | Etsy, Walmart, Amazon |
Toxicity | Toxic to cats and dogs |
Black philodendron Humidity Requirements
Humidity is a key factor for any indoor plant, and black philodendron are no exception. As with most tropical indoor plants, Philodendrons will benefit from higher humidity but will do fine in average household air. Higher humidity (over 50%) is always better for tropical houseplants, so if you want to give your Philodendron the best environment possible, you’ll need to increase the humidity around it.
Fortunately, it’s not too difficult to increase the humidity for your black philodendron. The simplest way to do this is to use a humidifier, which will increase the humidity in the air around your indoor plants. You can also mist your Philodendron regularly, or move it to a room with a higher humidity level, such as the bathroom. You can also place your Philodendron on a tray of pebbles filled with water, which will help to increase the humidity around it.
Fertilizing Black Cardinal Plant
In addition to light, fertilizer is also vital for your black cardinal. If your plant is actively growing in the summer months, use a ¼ strength liquid fertilizer every two weeks. The fertilizer should be diluted down to an appropriate strength for the plant to ensure that it is getting the right nutrition without becoming overwhelmed. If your plant is not actively growing, it’s best to top-dress the soil with a helping of rich compost or worm castings to supplement the fertilizer.
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Water requirement for Black Cardinal Plant
As any houseplant enthusiast will know, black cardinal plant love moist soil and regular watering is essential to keep things lush and green. In the summer months, hot temperatures can quickly cause the soil to dry out, so it’s imperative to water your beloved philodendron two to three times a week. In spring and summer when your philodendron is most actively growing, you’ll need to keep up this same watering routine. However, in the winter when the temperature drops and your philodendron is in a more dormant period of growth, once-a-week watering should do the trick.
To make sure you don’t overwater your philodendron black cardinal, use a watering globe or other self-watering device. This will control the flow of water, allowing the soil to remain moist and preventing any root rot from occurring. Additionally, make sure the pot you’re planting into has a good drainage hole, so any excess moisture can escape and not damage the roots of your plant.
The choice of water you use when caring for your philodendron is also important. Rainwater is definitely the best option to keep your philodendron happy, but if this isn’t accessible to you, try using filtered or distilled water instead. Tap water contains a lot of chemicals and some philodendrons are more sensitive to it, so it’s worth avoiding!
Best Soil for Philodendron Black
philodendron black prefer loose, organic-rich potting soil with good drainage. To keep your plant healthy and vibrant, it’s recommended to replace the soil of container plants every couple of years. This is because philodendrons are sensitive to the salts that can accumulate in the soil from watering, which can cause leaf browning and yellowing.
To help prevent the buildup of salts, try flushing the soil from time to time by thoroughly watering the container until water comes out of its drainage holes. This can help reduce the number of salts in the soil. But eventually, you’ll still need to replace the soil to keep your philodendron healthy.
Pruning Philo Black Cardinal plant
By pruning, you can help maintain the health and shape of your plants and make them look better.
When it comes to pruning philo black cardinal, it’s important to remove dead, yellow, brown, or decaying leaves. This can be done with clean shears or a sharp knife. Pruning your Philodendrons will not only give them a better look but will also help encourage new leaves to grow.
Now, you may be wondering how much pruning is too much. Well, in general, it’s best to remove no more than one-third of the leaves and stems. This will help prevent any shock or damage to the plant, as too much pruning can actually weaken it.
It’s also important to note that pruning is best done in the early spring or late winter months. This is because the plant is in a resting state and is less susceptible to shock or damage.
Finally, it’s important to use clean tools when pruning your Philodendrons. This helps to prevent the spread of any diseases or pests, which can be damaging to the plant. So, make sure you have sharp shears or knives and that they are clean before you start pruning.
Philodendron Black Cardinal Potting and re-potting
The perfect time for your philodendron black cardinal repotting project should be in the late spring or early summer when the build-up of growth in the pot is apparent. You’ll know that it’s time to repot when the roots start peeking out from the soil or from the pot’s drainage holes.
To start, it’s best to go up exactly one pot size – depending on the growth of your original pot, you can always go bigger for larger plants. Gently remove the plant from its old pot, shaking off any extra soil, and place it in the new one. Then, fill up the pot with fresh soil, packing it firmly down at the bottom and also around the sides of the philodendron.
Once your plant is comfortably tucked into its new pot, water it thoroughly, and then – you’re done! It’s as simple as that.
Cleaning and Maintenance Black Cardinal Philodendron
When it comes to cleaning your black cardinal philodendron, it’s important to use gentle cleaning supplies. Harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners can do more damage than good, so always opt for a soft cloth or brush to gently remove any dust or dirt from the leaves. This should be done every few weeks to keep your Philodendron looking its best.
As far as maintenance, it’s important to make sure your black cardinal philodendron receives the right amount of light and water. Bright, indirect sunlight is best for a Philodendron, so find a spot with plenty of light and make sure to water your plant regularly but not too much – too much water can cause the roots to rot. If you follow these simple tips, you’ll have a happy and healthy philodendron for years to come.
Propagating Philodendron Black Cardinal
Whether you’re a novice or an experienced gardener, propagating Philodendrons from stem cuttings is a great way to expand your plant collection.
Propagation through stem cutting
Propagating philodendrons is a great way to get new plants for your home or garden without spending a lot of money. It is a relatively easy process and can be done with minimal effort. With the right care and attention, you can be sure to get a beautiful and healthy plant from your efforts.
The first step to propagating your philodendrons is to choose the right cutting. You should select a healthy and mature stem with several leaves. Make sure to choose a cutting with a few nodes, which are the points from which new roots will grow. Cut the stem just below a node and make sure that the cutting is free of any damage or disease.
Once you have your cutting, you will need to prepare it for planting. You should first dip the cutting in a rooting hormone, which will stimulate new root growth. Once the cutting has been dipped, you should then place it in a potting medium that is well drained. A good combination would be a mix of potting soil, perlite, and vermiculite.
Once the cutting is planted in the potting medium, it is time to water it. Water your cutting lightly, but make sure not to overwater it. You should also mist the leaves on a regular basis to keep humidity levels high.
In about six weeks, your cutting should have developed some roots and you can begin to treat it like a regular potted plant. You can move it to a larger pot to give it more space to grow and make sure to fertilize it regularly.
Propagation Through Mother Plant Division
Propagation through Mother Plant Division is an easy and effective way to increase the number of plants in your home. The process involves dividing the plant into multiple smaller plants, each with its own root system. This is a great way to keep your houseplant collection looking fresh and vibrant. Before you start dividing your Philodendron Golden Dragon, it’s important to prepare the plant.
The day before you plan to divide your plant, water it well. This will ensure that your philodendron is in the best possible condition before you start the propagation process. You’ll also need a few items before you divide your plant. Make sure you have a sharp knife, potting mix, and a new pot on hand.
To start the propagation process, begin by removing the plant from its current container and placing it on a flat, steady surface. Then, use your fingers to loosen the root ball and pull off the plantlet with its roots.
If necessary, you can use a knife to help you cut through dense roots. Once the plantlet has been removed, replant it immediately in a fresh, moist potting mix.
Make sure the new pot is large enough to accommodate the new plantlet, but not too large. After replanting, water your new philodendron thoroughly and place it in a bright spot.
Caring for Your Mother Black Cardinal Philodendron
Once your philodendron is divided, it’s important to provide it with the right care. Make sure to water your philodendron regularly, but avoid overwatering. You should also fertilize your philodendron every two weeks during the growing season.
Black Cardinal Philodendron Propagation through Seed
Growing philodendrons from seed may be a slower process compared to stem cuttings, but if you’re determined to try it out then here’s what you need to know! In a 6-inch pot, you can plant several seeds, one every 2 inches about 1/3 of an inch deep in rich soil. After this, it’s important to cover the pot with plastic to keep the environment suitably moist. While the plastic should be left on for some time, it’s important to remember to remove it every once in a while to allow air in. Then, to ensure that the soil remains suitably moist, spray it periodically.
Unlike some other plants, philodendron black cardinal do not need to be soaked before planting, and it usually takes anywhere from two to eight weeks for them to germinate at a soil temperature between 68 and 73 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the seedlings have sprouted and become strong enough to handle, it’s important to move each seedling to its own small pot in order to promote strong root development.
Doing this may take time and patience, but in the end, the rewards are worth the effort! If you take care of those precious little seedlings and give them time to grow, you might just be able to witness and cherish the beauty that a fully-grown philodendron has to offer.
Tip for non-tropical zone Philodendron Black Cardinal Plant growers
As the days shorten and the temperatures cool, it’s time to think about overwintering your tropicals and houseplants. If you don’t live in a tropical zone, your tropicals and common houseplants will need to be brought indoors to protect them from frost and snow.
Fortunately, many tropicals and houseplants can easily adapt to indoor conditions with a little bit of help. Before bringing your plants inside, you should use pruners to cut off any yellowing leaves or long leggy stems. You should also check for signs of decay, mold, and insects before bringing them in.
Once indoors, you should water your tropicals and houseplants when the top of the soil becomes dry to the touch. They will need slightly less water in the winter months than during the warmer growing season. To keep your overwintered plants thriving, make sure to give them enough bright, indirect sunlight.
Are Philodendron Black Cardinal plants toxic to pets?
Pets are an important part of our lives, providing us with unconditional love and companionship. But, when it comes to plants, it’s important to be aware of potential hazards to our furry friends.
All philodendron plants are toxic to pets, so it’s important to keep them away from your four-legged family members. The plant’s leaves, stems, and roots contain a toxin called calcium oxalate, which can cause severe irritation and burning if ingested. Symptoms of philodendron poisoning in pets include vomiting, drooling, difficulty swallowing, and swelling of the tongue and lips.
Common Problems With Philodendron Black Cardinal
Philodendrons can suffer from some wellness issues if the water, sun, and soil conditions aren’t met. Fortunately, there are some telltale signs that can help you pinpoint the problem and find the perfect solution.
Yellowing of the leaves
Are you noticing some yellowing leaves on your philodendron black cardinal? Don’t worry, this is one of the most common issues these plants face. Several factors can cause yellowing leaves, such as cold water, not enough sunlight, or too much bright light. If the older leaves are yellowing, you may be under-watering the plant. If the younger bottom sets of leaves turn yellow, you may be overwatering the plant. In most cases, adjusting these factors will help your philodendron rebound.
If you’re feeding your philodendron, be sure to water the soil first, add a water-diluted fertilizer solution, and then water the plant again. By taking these extra steps, you make sure the roots don’t get burned by the chemicals in the fertilizer, which is another cause of yellowing.
Root rot
if you notice that your plant’s leaves are turning yellow and/or falling off – usually suddenly and at a rapid rate – this can be a sign of root rot. To check, take a sniff. If you pick up a rotting smell, that confirms it. What to do? Here are your options:
Mosaic virus
You’ll also want to keep an eye out for yellow splotches or patterns of yellow on your plant leaves. This can indicate a mosaic virus. The good news is that you may be able to take action to help the plant fight it off. Here are the steps:
Tips and leaves becoming brown and crispy
Are your plants’ leaves turning brown and crispy? Fret not – it’s easy to get them looking their best with some simple tips.
Brown and crispy leaf tips can occur due to improper watering or incorrect temperature and humidity. If your plant’s leaves are brown and mushy, it’s likely because you’re overwatering them. On the other hand, if the leaf tips are brown with a yellow halo, you may need to increase the humidity in your home.
Water periodically
For plant leaves that have started to turn brown and crisp, the best way to revive them is by ensuring consistent watering. Your plant needs just the right amount of water, neither too much nor too little. What it doesn’t need is inconsistent watering. So, always water plants to the same depth and frequency, and only water when the topsoil is dry.
Avoid overwatering
An easy way to figure out if your plant needs a drink is to use a soil moisture meter. This handy tool allows you to gauge the exact moisture content of the soil and helps you figure out when your plant needs a sip or a sprinkle of water.
Maintain right temperature
It’s also important to maintain the right temperature and humidity levels. Shocking your plant with cold water may cause the leaves to start to brown. To increase the moisture content in the air, you can mist your plant leaves or put the plant container in a tray of pebbles filled with water (just make sure to keep the base of the plant above the water level).
Ovoid cold water
Crysping of leaves can be caused by a few different things. If you’re shocking your plants with water that’s too cold, the leaves may start to brown. If your plant’s leaves start to get brown and mushy, you are likely overwatering. Brown leaf edges that start to curl indicate the plant needs more water and less sun. Make adjustments accordingly.
Less humidity
Browning leaf tips with yellow halos can indicate your plant needs more humidity. You can mist the plant’s leaves or place the plant container atop a tray of pebbles filled with water to raise the humidity. Just make sure to keep the plant base right above the waterline, so it doesn’t get submerged.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Philodendron Black Cardinal?
Philodendron Black Cardinal is a variety of philodendron with unique dark foliage, which has been gaining popularity in gardens and planters in recent times.
Where can I find Philodendron Black Cardinal?
Online you can easily find on Etsy, Philodendron Black Cardinal plants can be found in nurseries and home and garden stores.
How often should I water my Black Cardinal Philodendron?
Water your Philodendron Black Cardinal just enough to moisten the soil, but let it dry out a bit between waterings. Monitor the soil moisture and adjust if necessary.
Is the Philodendron Black Cardinal hard to grow?
No! The Philodendron Black Cardinal is surprisingly easy to grow as a houseplant. As long as you give it indirect, bright light and maintain a consistent watering schedule, your Philodendron Black Cardinal should thrive.
Where is the best place to buy Philodendron Black Cardinal?
Your local garden center or plant shop is an excellent place to find a Philodendron Black Cardinal. Alternatively, you can also find this stunning plant online. Be sure to check a website’s reviews before making a purchase and ensure that a reputable company will ship a healthy, disease-free specimen.
Is the Philodendron Black Cardinal good for indoors?
Absolutely! This striking houseplant loves bright, indirect light and high humidity levels. Just be sure to not place your Philodendron Black Cardinal directly in a sunny window, as it may result in scorched leaves.
How much light does the Philodendron Black Cardinal need?
The Philodendron Black Cardinal requires indirect, bright light to thrive. Avoid placing this plant in direct sun, as it may be damaged or scorched by intense light.
How do I water the Philodendron Black Cardinal?
Be sure to water your Philodendron Black Cardinal regularly, as it needs consistent moisture. When the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch, it’s a good indicator that the plant needs to be watered again.
How often should I fertilize the Philodendron Black Cardinal?
Fertilize your Philodendron Black Cardinal every other month during the growing season, which is typically from April to October. During the winter months, the frequency will drop to once a month. Be sure to use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer at half the recommended strength.
What type of potting soil is best for the Philodendron Black Cardinal?
A light, well-draining potting soil, like a soil specifically formulated for tropical houseplants, is perfect for the Philodendron Black Cardinal. Make sure there are no added chemicals or fertilizers in the soil.
Does the Philodendron Black Cardinal need pruning?
Pruning isn’t necessary for the Philodendron Black Cardinal, but it may help to trim the plant occasionally to manage its shape or keep it from growing too large.
Are there any special care requirements for the Philodendron Black Cardinal?
The Philodendron Black Cardinal needs to be watered more frequently during summer months, when the plant is actively growing. It is also important to keep the plant in moist soil, but not waterlogged. Keeping the plant at warm temperatures helps to prevent leaf drop and encourage new growth. Be sure to provide high humidity to your Philodendron Black Cardinal by misting it frequently, particularly during the summer months.
How do I care for my Philodendron Black Cardinal?
Philodendron Black Cardinal plants should be kept in bright, indirect light and watered regularly. Make sure the soil is kept moist but not soggy, and the plant should be misted occasionally.
Is Philodendron Black Cardinal suitable for indoor and outdoor planting?
Philodendron Black Cardinal can be grown both indoors and outdoors in containers or in the ground. However, it is best suited for indoors, where light, humidity and temperature can be more easily controlled.
How fast will Philodendron Black Cardinal grow?
Philodendron Black Cardinal plants grow slowly and gradually, so they require little maintenance. It may take up to two years to achieve full size.
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