Are you a plant enthusiast who’s always on the lookout for rare and unique plants to add to your collection? Then you may want to consider the Philodendron Cordatum, also known as Heart Leaf or sweetheart plant. Originating from South America, this vining plant can add a pop of color to any room with its deep burgundy and deep green foliage. And the best part? Philodendron Cordatum care is relatively easy as it can grow and thrive in various habitats. Whether you hang it as a basket or train it to climb trellises or moss poles, this plant is sure to bring warmth and life to your home.
How to do Cordatum Philodendron care?
Caring for Philodendron cordatum is effortless. To ensure optimal growth, place it in a well-lit area away from direct sunlight and maintain a humidity level of 70-80%. Aim to maintain temperatures between 65° and 80° degrees Fahrenheit (18° – 27° C). Adequate watering is crucial, so water frequently and ensure water drains out of the drainage holes. A combination of peat and sphagnum in equal proportions with a half portion each of perlite and wood bark makes an effective potting mix that drains well. For proper nourishment of the plant, it is recommended to apply organic fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks during the Spring and Summer seasons.
What unique about Philodendron Cordatum
Botanical Name | Philodendron Cordatum |
Common name | Sweetheart Plant,Philodendron Angra dos Reis, Heart Leaf |
Hardiness Zone: | 9 to 11. |
Light needs: | Indirect bright light |
Watering needs: | Water when soil dries up to two inches |
Fertilizer: | During growing Seseason |
Soil: | Perlite, High organic matter,weldrain |
Humidity: | Water when the soil dries up to two inches |
Temperature: | 60°F to 75°F (20°C to 23°C) |
Where to buy: | Etsy, Walmart, Amazon local nurseries |
Toxicity | Toxic for humans Toxic for pets |
Humidity Requirements for Philodendron Heart Leaf plant
The Sweetheart Philodendron is a stunning addition to any indoor plant collection. Its sizable heart-shaped leaves and effortless care make it a great option for both novice and seasoned plant enthusiasts. However, remember that this plant requires high humidity to thrive.To ensure your Philodendron remains healthy and content, it’s recommended to maintain a humidity level of at least 60 percent. While it may be difficult in regions with low humidity, there exist several methods to increase the humidity in the vicinity of your plant.
One option is to use a humidifier to emit water vapor into the air, which will create the perfect environment for your Philodendron. In the absence of a humidifier, an alternative way to enhance the moisture levels around your plants is by setting up a humidity tray. Fill a deep tray with some pebbles, then pour water until they are submerged. When the water evaporates, the plant will absorb the moisture from the air, which will improve the humidity levels in the vicinity.
Another helpful technique is to place your Sweetheart Philodendron in a bathroom, where the humidity levels are often naturally higher. If you have a bathroom with a skylight or window, this would be an ideal location for the plant to flourish.
Additionally, it’s critical to guarantee that your plant has good air circulation. Although high humidity is essential, stagnant air can cause fungal issues and disease, which can harm your plant. To ensure good airflow, you can position a small fan near the plant or open a window in the room to allow fresh air to circulate.
The Sweetheart Philodendron has dark green heart-shaped leaves that generally measure two to three inches across. If this is grown outdoors in warm, and high humidity , it may grow even larger than indoor. Overall, this beautiful and low-maintenance plant can brighten any area. By considering its humidity requirements, you can ensure that your Sweetheart Philodendron thrives for years to come.
Click here to buy the plant humidifier
Fertilizing Philodendron Cordatum
Fertilizing your Philodendron cordatum plant is crucial for its healthy growth and development.Essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are crucial for a plant’s life cycle, all of which fertilizers provide. The soil tends to lose these nutrients over time, which makes frequent fertilization important.
To keep your Philodendron cordatum healthy, it’s recommended to fertilize it every two weeks with a mild fertilizer. Opting for organic fertilizers is a wise decision, as they are gentle and reduce the risk of fertilizer burn. You can also use regular liquid fertilizers found in nurseries, but make sure to dilute them to 50% strength and strictly adhere to the instructions on the packaging when fertilizing your Philodendron cordatum.
Over-fertilization can lead to fertilizer burn, which can significantly damage your plant. Always err on the side of caution and use less fertilizer than recommended if you’re unsure.
A good practice to adopt is to always fertilize after watering, especially with synthetic fertilizers. It’s a good way to avoid fertilizer burn and ensure that the plant is hydrated before receiving nutrients.
As the growing season nears to an end, you should fertilize less. The plant is going to rest, so it won’t need as much feeding. Once a month or less will be perfect.
Click here to buy slow-release fertilizer
Water requirement for Philodendron Cordatum
While watering keep these points in your mind. Firstly, it’s essential to remember that these plants enjoy a good drink, so don’t be afraid to be generous with water. When watering your Philodendron cordatum, be sure to thoroughly saturate the soil, ensuring the entire pot is evenly moistened down to the bottom.
To ensure proper watering, try watering until the water seeps out of the drainage holes one or two times. Flowing water will take away all the accumulated salt frm the soil.
Another effective technique is to gather all the Philodendrons once a week and then place them in the shower. This enables you to shower them well and let the water drain away. This ensures your plants receive the correct amount of water and helps to keep them clean from dust and dirt buildup on the leaves.
Water quality
If possible, try to water the Philodendron cordatum with rain, distilled, or aquarium water. This is really important for those who live in an area where water is hard. By watering with tap water, mineral buildup can occur in the soil and eventually manifest as yellow leaves or brown spots on the foliage – a sign that your plant is struggling with mineral buildup.
Pay special attention to this if you reside in an area with hard water as it can cause mineral buildup in the soil that eventually shows in the foliage.
Click here to buy the watering can
Best Soil for Philodendron
Soil is a critical factor in the growth and survival of any plant. The Philodendron cordatum is no exception. This heart-shaped trailing plant is an epiphyte, which means it grows on other plants instead of in the ground. Therefore, getting the soil mix right is essential to give it a healthy environment to thrive. Firstly, the Philodendron cordatum will prefer a well-draining soil. A soil mix that holds on to water for too long can lead to root rot, which can be fatal. Therefore, it is best to use a soil mix that is light and chunky, allowing water to drain through easily.
Here is how you can make the soil of your own.
This mix provides the right consistency for an epiphyte like the Philodendron cordatum. However, you can adjust the recipe to suit your specific needs.
Perlite is a popular material in soil mixes because it helps the soil remain porous and well-draining. If you tend to overwater your plants, you can add more perlite to the mix. This will ensure that any excess water drains out of the soil, preventing water from staying stagnant and leading to root rot.
Although root rot is not a significant problem for the Philodendron cordatum, it is always better to be cautious. By providing a soil mix that allows for proper drainage, you are ensuring that your plant has a healthy environment that will promote growth and prevent any issues from arising.
So, if you’re a Philodendron cordatum owner, keep in mind the importance of soil selection, as it can mean the difference between a thriving plant and one that’s struggling to survive. By following the recipe above and making the appropriate adjustments, you can create the perfect soil mix that will keep your Philodendron cordatum healthy and beautiful.
Click here to buy the potting soil
Pruning P. Cordatum mature plant
Pruning your Philodendron Cordatum is a breeze – and you can also propagate it effortlessly while doing so. Since this plant has a trailing growth pattern and grows quite fast, you’ll need to prune it frequently to keep it in check. Pruning aids in preserving its size and form, while also prompting new growth and stimulating leaf production.
When to Prune
Periodic pruning is essential for maintaining the health and appearance of your plant. To accomplish this, utilize sharp pruning shears to remove any old, diseased, discolored, or dead branches or leaves that may hinder its growth. Additionally, pruning may be performed to retain your plant’s shape and density. It is recommended that you prune your Philodendron Cordatum during the spring or summer when it is actively growing. It’s best to avoid pruning during the fall or winter when the plant is dormant.
How to Prune
When pruning your Philodendron Cordatum, it’s important to take steps to prevent the spread of disease. Begin by sanitizing your pruning shears with rubbing alcohol. Next, carefully select the branches or leaves you wish to remove, ensuring you cut below a leaf node where new growth will emerge.If you’re looking to decrease the overall size of your plant, trim the tips of the vines to your desired length. This will stimulate branching from the cut area and promote a fuller, more bushy appearance.
How to Propagate pruned branches
One of the advantages of pruning a Philodendron Cordatum is that you can easily propagate it with the cuttings. To do this, simply take a cutting that is about 4-6 inches long and has at least one leaf node. Remove the lower leaves, leaving only one or two at the top. Dip the end of the cutting in rooting hormone and plant it in a pot with moist soil. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy, and place the pot in a bright area, but out of direct sunlight. Within a few weeks, you should notice new growth emerging from the leaf node.
Click here to buy pruning shears
Re-potting Philo Cordatum Heart Leaf plant
keep these important points in mind when repotting your Philodendron Cordatum. Firstly, it’s not very particular about the kind of soil it needs. You can use good quality soil mix for indoor plants, and they will thrive.
It is crucial to only repot the plant when required. It’s recommended to inspect the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot annually and see if the roots are beginning to emerge.If they are, then it’s a sign that it may be time to pot.
If you feel that the quality of the soil is not that great, then it’s time to change it. Poor quality soil can affect the plant’s growth, and changing it can make a world of difference.
While choosing the right pot size, it is essential to keep in mind not to go more than 2 inches up in size. Many times we tend to choose larger pots, but this may suffocate the roots as the soil retains more moisture.
The excess soil around the plant and a pot that is too big can invite root rot into your life. Root rot is a plant disease that occurs when the roots stay in too much water for long periods. This could result in the plant’s death or lead to further problems.
How to propagate Cordatum Philodendron?
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This Philodendron can be easily propagated by taking stem cuttings, which also has a high success rate. The process is similar to propagating any other vining Philodendron or Pothos and can be done in a few simple steps. Begin by selecting a healthy branch that is neither too young nor too old. Ensure that it is free of pests and diseases. The cutting can be of any size, but it must contain at least one node and one leaf. I suggest chopping up a long branch into single node and leaf couples or keeping it longer for a bigger cutting. However, do not remove more than 30% of the mother plant.
Once you’ve got your cuttings sorted, prepare the growing medium. You can choose to propagate in water, soil or sphagnum moss – the process remains the same for all. Ensure that the node will make contact with the medium entirely, and if using soil or moss, it’s important to cover the entire node. If propagating in water, the node must be submerged at all times. Keep the leaves away from the medium to avoid rotting.
Place it in a warm and medium bright area. For humidity, cover it with a plastic bag, but remember to air it out every few days. After a couple of weeks, well-developed roots will formed. When this happens, the cutting can be transferred to its regular pot. Remember to keep the soil evenly moist during the first week and keep an eye out for any pests or diseases as new plants are vulnerable to such problems.
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Is Philodendron Cordatum toxic?
Philodendron Cordatum is a potentially harmful houseplant and should not be consumed by humans or pets. It is essential to wash your hands after handling this plant to avoid any accidental contact with toxic substances. It should be noted that Philodendron Cordatum is toxic to both cats and dogs. Any ingestion of this plant by pets can be harmful and requires immediate veterinary attention. In case of suspicion of consumption, it is recommended to reach out to your veterinarian or animal poison control immediately.
Philodendron Cordatum pest, diseases and leaves problems
If you have a Philodendron cordatum, you may face the usual suspects of spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs. To protect your plant, keeping it healthy is the best approach. A healthy plant is less attractive to pests and diseases. Applying Neem oil to your plants regularly can help deter pests from feeding on them.If your plant already has pest infestation, you can deal with it in the following ways:
Spider Mites
You can notice spider mites when the leaves turn yellow and droop. Spider mites are small, light-colored spider-like bugs that can cause significant damage to your plant within a short time. Isolate the spider mite-infested plant in a dark, humid, and cooler place as they love hot and dry environments. They will either move out or die before you opt for an insecticide. Neem oil treatment is advisable following the isolation.
Aphids are light-green insects that feed on your plant’s sap. They congregate at the nodes and new growth of your plant; however, they are easy to deal with. Hose or shower them off with water every couple of days until they disappear. Insecticidal soap treatment can be used if the aphids persist.
Mealybugs feed on your plant’s sap and look like tiny cotton balls. Use a q-tip dipped in alcohol and manually remove them one by one, preferably catching them early to avoid significant infestations that then require insecticide use.
Philodendron Cordatum Problems:
Common Issues and How to Fix ThemIf you’re a plant lover, you’ll know that Philodendron Cordatum is a beautiful addition to any home. With its lush, heart-shaped leaves and low maintenance requirements, it’s a favorite among plant enthusiasts. However, like any other plant, the Philodendron Cordatum can face several issues. In this article, we’ll be discussing the common problems that you may face with this plant and how to fix them.
Philodendron Cordatum Leaves Turning Yellow
One of the most common issues that Philodendron Cordatum may face is yellowing of the foliage. This is often due to overwatering, where the plant’s roots are suffocated and unable to absorb nutrients. Overwatering can cause the plant’s leaves to turn yellow, and the solution is to cut back on watering. Make sure to allow the soil to dry out between watering cycles, and ensure the pot has adequate drainage to prevent standing water.
Alternatively, yellowing foliage may suggest a nutrient deficiency. In this case, fertilization may be needed. Look for a balanced fertilizer that includes nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Apply the fertilizer as per the instructions on the label and monitor the plant’s progress.
Philodendron Cordatum Leaves Turning Brown
If the leaves of your Philodendron Cordatum have turned brown, it may be due to underwatering. This plant likes moist soil, and if it dries out, the leaves will start to crisp and brown. In contrast, in case your plant’s leaves display brown spots or edges, it could imply that it’s getting excessive direct sunlight. You can resolve this issue by relocating the plant to a spot with indirect lighting or filtering the sun rays with a translucent curtain.
Cordatum’s leaves turning crisp, brown, or spots,
If Philodendron Cordatum’s leaves have crisp, brown edges, or spots, sun scorching may be to blame. This occurs when the plant is exposed to too much direct sunlight, causing it to dry out and burn. If this is the issue you’re facing, move the plant to a shaded location with indirect lighting. The plant will recover and develop new growth with proper care.
Philodendron Cordatum Diseases
Excessive watering can result in the growth of fungi, such as root rot, that have the potential to be fatal to the plant. In case you notice brown and mushy roots, carefully cut and eliminate them until healthy roots are clearly visible. After removing the diseased roots, transplant the plant to fresh soil and adjust your watering routine as a preventive measure to thwart future occurrences.
The appearance of Philodendron cordatum
The Philodendron Cordatum remains a favorite for indoor planting and is commonly known as the sweetheart plant due to its leaf shape which resembles a heart.This plant is native to Central and South America and it has been cultivated for years as a houseplant due to its versatility and ease of maintenance. In this blog post, we will look at the appearance of Philodendron Cordatum, its flowering, fragrance, growth, and usage.
Philodendron Cordatum’s leaves are significant and make an attractive display in any indoor space. They are dark green, glossy, and heart-shaped, with a defined point at the tip. The leaves are often between 2-4 inches long and wide on vines that can grow up to 10 feet long. When fully grown, it forms a dense, bushy, and symmetrical appearance that can be maximum 3 feet.
Philodendron Cordatum produces white-greenish spathes that can be two to three inches long and resemble a cobra. The period of flowering typically occurs during spring and summer, coinciding with sufficient exposure to sunlight.It’s worth noting that flowering indoors is rare.
Philodendron Cordatum’s scent is mild and earthy. Many people enjoy a light fragrance that the plant adds to their homes. However, some varieties produce unpleasant odors, especially when crushed or broken.
Philodendron Cordatum is commonly used indoors as it adds more color and a natural atmosphere to the room. It also helps in purifying the indoor air by removing pollutants and toxins from the atmosphere. It is a favorite among interior and landscape designers for their distinctive appearance, easy-care nature, and practicality. Moreover, it is propagated through planting stem cuttings to fill in any gaps in the plant or expand your collection.
Philodendron Cordatum grows best in bright, indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can lead to sunburn and damage to the leaves. It also prefers well-drained soil that is not waterlogged, and regular watering though not over-watering. During the winter and autumn seasons, watering should be reduced. The plant thrives best in temperatures ranging from 60-75°F.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What does the Philodendron Cordatum foliage look like?
The Philodendron Cordatum foliage is heart-shaped and has a glossy, green appearance with a smooth texture.The foliage has a somewhat leathery texture and grows on thin, vining stems.
Does the Philodendron Cordatum produce flowers?
Yes, but it’s rare for the Philodendron Cordatum to produce flowers when grown indoors. If it does, the flowers are small and insignificant.
Does the Philodendron Cordatum have a fragrance?
No, the Philodendron Cordatum does not have a significant fragrance.
How fast does the Philodendron Cordatum grow?
The Philodendron Cordatum is a relatively slow-growing plant. It will grow faster in brighter light and with proper care.
Can the Philodendron Cordatum be used for indoor decoration?
Yes! The Philodendron Cordatum is a popular house plant and is often used for indoor decoration due to its attractive foliage.
What are some common uses for Philodendron Cordatum?
Philodendron Cordatum is an ideal plant for filling empty spaces in the home and is often used in hanging baskets, on shelves, on windowsills, and anywhere you need a touch of greenery. It is also a popular indoor plant for offices and public spaces.
Do any other philodendron also called sweet heart plants?
Yes, you are correct. Philodendron cordatum is also commonly referred to as the Sweetheart Plant, because its heart-shaped leaves and climbing nature resemble the Philodendron scandens, which is also known as Sweetheart Plant