Philodendron Micans Care Guide

If you’re a plant lover, you’re always on the lookout for new additions to your green space. Today, we’re talking about a tropical plant that’s currently gaining popularity as a houseplant: Philodendron Micans. With its velvety texture and eye-catching leaves, it’s no wonder that this plant is in high demand. But what makes it so special? And how can you care for it to ensure it thrives in your home? In this article, we will delve into the various features and care requirements of Philodendron micans, revealing why it’s a must-have for any indoor plant lover.

How to do Philodendron Micans care?

Growing Philodendron Micans is straightforward, and anyone can do it. Its natural habitat is in tropical rainforests, so remember to mimic those conditions when creating an ideal environment for this plant. The plant requires bright but indirect sunlight and thrives in moist, well-draining soil. Overwatering can be harmful to the Philodendron Micans, so be careful not to let the soil stay wet for too long. Give it a regular misting and occasional feeding, and your plant will flourish with lush, velvety leaves, adding life and color to your space.

Philodendron Micans Care Guide

    What unique about Philodendron Micans

    This stunning plant, native to the Caribbean islands of Dominica and Tobago, has captured hearts with its lush, velvety foliage that changes color as it matures. Its vibrant chartreuse green leaves turn into deep green shades with stunning red undersides. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the Philodendron Micans is also low maintenance and is well-suited for growing in a hanging basket.

    The Philodendron Micans’ unique appearance and low-maintenance nature make it an excellent option for those looking to add a touch of greenery to their living spaces. This tropical rainforest native looks beautiful in any room and adds color and life to indoor environments. You can select a small or large plant and decide whether to grow it upright or as a hanging plant. As a bonus, the Philodendron Micans can also purify the air and filter out toxins, allowing you to breathe easily and relax in your own home.

    Botanical Name
    Philodendron hederaceum var. hederaceum 
    Light needs:   
    Indirect bright light
    Hardiness Zone10a-11b
    Common namesPhilodendron micans, velvet-leaf philodendron 
    Watering needs:       
    Water when soil dries up to two inches
    During Spring and Summer
    Perlite, High organic matter,weldrain
    50 – 80%
    65 – 85°F (18 – 30°C)
    Where to buy:
    Etsy, Walmart, Amazon local nurseries
    Toxic for humans
    Toxic for pets

    Philodendron Micans


    .The ideal Philodendron micans temperature range is between 65-85°F (18-30°C). Luckily, this temperature range is relatively easy to maintain indoors, especially during winter months when indoor heating is typical for most temperate regions. Assuming your dwelling offers a comfortable environment, it’s likely that your velvet leaf Philodendron will thrive in it as well!


    However, while the Philodendron micans can tolerate temperatures as low as 55°F (12°C) at nighttime, it’s worth noting that its tolerance falls off drastically below 50°F (10°C). If you live in a cold climate, it’s best to keep your plant in a warm room with consistent temperatures above 50°F (10°C) and away from cold drafts or air conditioning vents. A cold draft or chilly spot in your home can cause damage and stress to the plant, leading to stunted growth, wilting, or even death.


    If you’re lucky enough to live in a warm climate and want to move your velvet leaf Philodendron outside during the summer months, it’s worth noting that it’s not suitable for acclimatizing to colder temperatures. Therefore, it’s best to bring it back inside before nighttime temperatures begin to dip too low, around 50°F (10°C). Any colder than that, and your plant may suffer irreversible damage or outright die.

    It’s crucial to remember that the Philodendron micans has no frost hardiness whatsoever. Any exposure to freezing temperatures will kill it outright. Hence, it’s advisable to safeguard your plant by either keeping it indoors or in a greenhouse if you reside in an area where winter temperatures usually fall below freezing point..

    Light requirements

    Philodendron micans, also known as velvet leaf Philodendron, is a stunning plant with deep green, velvety foliage that adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any living space. However, to keep this plant healthy and thriving, it’s essential to provide it with the right amount of light.The light requirements of Philodendron micans are determined by its natural habitat in the tropical rainforest, where it grows under the dappled shade of the tree canopy. Therefore, it’s important to replicate these conditions in your home to ensure your plant receives the right amount of light.

    The best type of lighting for Philodendron micans is indirect and bright, which falls between the range of 10,000 to 20,000 lux. This indicates that one should position the plant in an area where it can obtain filtered sunlight like placing it near the window covered with a sheer curtain or in a well-lit room with ample daylight.

    Best Position

    It’s important to note that Philodendron micans cannot tolerate full sun, so if you only have a south or west-facing window, it’s best to place your plant several feet away from the windows to avoid direct sunlight. If you have no other option, you can use a light curtain to shade your plant from the harsh rays of the sun.

    On the other hand, if you have a north or east-facing window, you can place your Philodendron micans close to the window to allow it to receive the morning sun. This will furnish your plant with the appropriate amount of illumination while preserving its fragile leaves.

    Humidity Requirements for Philodendron Ecuadoriana

    The good news is that Philodendron micans has some flexibility when it comes to humidity. It can tolerate a lower humidity level, as low as 40%. Therefore, if your air is not too dry, you may not need to use any supplemental methods to raise the humidity levels for your velvet leaf Philodendron.

    In case you desire to witness exceptional leaves on your Philodendron micans or if the air inside your home becomes less humid than 40%, there are certain alternatives that you can consider. Presented below are a few approaches to amplify the humidity levels for your Philodendron velvet leaf.

    Mist the leaves daily with distilled water

    Misting is an easy and effective way to increase the humidity levels for your Philodendron micans. Use a fine sprayer to mist the leaves daily. Make sure to use distilled water to avoid any buildup of minerals on the leaves. Misting also helps to remove any dust or debris that may have accumulated on the leaves.

    Group all your tropicals together

    Boosting the moisture levels of your Philodendron micans is a simple and efficient task with misting. Utilize a fine sprayer to moisten the foliage every day, while cautiously utilizing distilled water to prevent mineral buildup on the leaves. Misting is also a practical approach to eradicate any accumulated dust or debris on the leaves.

    Use a small humidifier

    Investing in a compact humidifier can greatly benefit your indoor plants, particularly if you reside in a region with low humidity. This device can introduce more moisture into the atmosphere, promoting ideal conditions for your plants’ growth. Be sure to position the humidifier in proximity to your Philodendron micans, while being mindful not to place it too closely to evade any harm caused by excess moisture on the foliage.

    Click here to buy the plant humidifier

    Fertilizing Philodendron Micans

    Thankfully, fertilizing your Philodendron micans is a simple and easy process. If you added compost or slow-release granules to the soil when you potted your plant, your fertilization is already taken care of. However, if you did not add these components, you will need to fertilize your Philodendron on a regular basis to keep it healthy and thriving.

    A standard indoor liquid formula with a fertilizer ratio of 10-10-10 is an optimal choice for fertilizing your Philodendron micans. However, it’s important to dilute the mixture to half strength to avoid burning the roots. You should use this diluted mixture once a month during spring and summer to achieve the best results.

    It’s important to note that you should always apply your fertilizer mixture to the soil, not the leaves. This is because the plant takes in the nutrients it needs through the roots, and fertilizing the leaves can lead to nutrient burn and damage. Additionally, applying fertilizer right after watering your plant helps to ensure even distribution throughout the soil.

    Click here to buy slow-release fertilizer

    Water requirement for Philodendron Micans

    Watering is an essential aspect of plant care, and it is crucial to know the watering needs of your plants to keep them healthy and lush.

    One of the easiest ways to determine whether your Philodendron micans needs watering is by checking the top couple of inches of soil. If it has dried out, it’s time to add water. When watering your velvet leaf Philodendron, always use room temperature distilled or rainwater, as the chemicals and salts in tap water can harm the plant over time.

    To water your Philodendron micans, gently soak the surface of the soil with water, ensuring that the water is absorbed evenly. Repeat until you see water draining out the bottom of the pot. It is important to let all the excess water drain away before putting the pot back in its saucer.If your plant is left in stagnant water, the roots could be soaked with water, resulting in potential root decay over time.

    It’s worth noting that in addition to watering, proper drainage is essential for the health of your Philodendron micans plant. Make sure that the pot has drainage holes so that excess water can escape. Try to avoid using saucers that retain water or have standing water for too long. The goal is to have the water drain away and keep the soil moist, not waterlogged.

    Click here to buy the watering can

    Best Soil for Micans Philodendron

    The ideal s for Philodendron micans needs to retain some water, while at the same time being porous enough to allow the roots to breathe. You can use standard potting soil, but enriching it with certain extras will make it even better. The key to creating the perfect soil mix for velvet leaf Philodendron is to ensure that it has organic matter to feed the plant for optimal foliage growth. One way of achieving this is to incorporate a scoop of well-rotted compost or worm castings to your soil mix.

    In addition to organic matter, the soil for Philodendron micans should have a pH level of 5 to 6.5 to ensure that it is mildly acidic. This can be easily achieved by adding some peat moss to the soil mix. Peat moss aids in moisture retention of the soil by preventing quick dehydration.

    Another factor to consider is the soil’s texture. You want a soil mix that is well-draining and light. You can achieve this by adding perlite, which is a volcanic glass that lightens the soil and enhances its drainage. Perlite is a great ingredient to add to any soil mix as it helps aerate the soil, providing ample room for the roots to grow and expand.

    Incorporating all these elements will result in an ideal soil mix for your Philodendron micans. Keep in mind that when repotting your plant, avoid going too big with the pot size to prevent the soil from remaining too wet. A pot that’s too big will hold excess water, which can cause root rot and lead to the plant’s demise. So, it’s best to choose a pot size that’s just one size up from the current one.

    Click here to buy the potting soil

    Pruning Philodendron Micans mature plant

    Philodendron micans should be pruned during the spring or summer season since it is the time when the plant is growing actively, and it is best for its maintenance.If you notice straggly stems, you can trim them to encourage bushier growth. When trimming, make sure to cut the longest stems right above a node (or below if you’re growing it as a hanging plant). This will encourage new growth to sprout from the node and create a fuller, more attractive plant.

    It’s important to not cut off more than 25% of the foliage in any one growing season. Cutting off too much of the plant can cause it to become stressed and may even lead to stunted growth or death. It’s best to take a gradual approach when pruning your Philodendron micans.

    When trimming your velvet leaf Philodendron, it is crucial to employ sharp, sterilized scissors. This measure will inhibit the spread of infection and guarantee a clear, swift recovery after cutting. If you’re uncertain how to sanitize your trimming shears adequately, you can immerse them in a solution of rubbing alcohol or bleach (one part bleach to nine parts water) for no less than half a minute.

    Click here to buy pruning shears

    Re-potting philodendron painted lady

    .Repotting is necessary to ensure that the plant has enough space to grow and get the nutrients it needs from the soil. If you notice that your philodendron micans are looking unhealthy, it could be a sign that it’s time to repot. So, how do you know when it’s time to transplant?

    Firstly, check if the plant is root bound. A plant is root bound when the roots have filled up the pot, and there’s no more space for growth. Signs that a plant is root-bound include roots growing out of the drainage holes, and soil that dries out quickly or stays waterlogged.

    Secondly, if you lift the root ball out of the pot and see that the roots have taken up most of the pot with little room for soil, that’s a clear sign that your plant is root bound and needs to be repotted.

    Repot philodendron micans every 2 to 3 years, or when it becomes root bound. Avoid repotting too often, as it can cause stress to the plant.

    When choosing a pot for your philodendron micans, it’s essential to select one that’s the right size. Move up one pot size, or at most 2 inches in diameter. Avoid a pot that’s too large, as having too much soil can cause stress to a plant. Use an unglazed clay pot to ensure good drainage holes.

    When repotting, it’s crucial to use fresh soil. Do not reuse old soil or soil from the garden as it can introduce pests and diseases to your plant. Use a high-quality potting mix that’s suitable for your philodendron micans.

    How to propagate Philodendron Micans?

    Philodendron micans, also known as velvet leaf Philodendron, is a popular houseplant due to its lush and velvet-like foliage. If you’re a plant lover, you may crave more of this eye-catching Philodendron and hope to propagate it successfully. Fortunately, Philodendron micans propagation is easy and rewarding, even for beginners. Rooting stem cuttings in water is the simplest and most successful way to propagate Philodendron micans. Here’s what you need to do:

    Get your cuttings

    Select sturdy and healthful stems that possess a minimum of four nodes, then snip the stem just beneath the lowest node. The nodes function as the areas on the stem where leaves, stems, and occasionally airborne roots form. Employ sharp and sanitized shears to avert any harm to the plant.

    Remove leaves

    Trim off all but a leave few leaves from the tip of the cutting. This promotes the plant to concentrate its resources on establishing strong roots instead of nourishing excessive foliage.

    Prepare a container of water

    To ensure your cutting stays safe, get hold of a jar or glass and fill it up with filtered or boiled tap water. Please note that it’s imperative to use either filtered or boiled tap water since it prevents harmful chemicals from damaging the cutting.

    Root cuttings

    Arrange the clippings inside the container, ensuring that some of the stem segments are covered in water. Place the jar away from direct sun rays and in a location with sufficient warmth. Remember to replace the water every few days or if the water seems murky.

    Transfer to soil

    After a few weeks, you should start seeing roots growing from the cuttings. Congratulations! Once the roots are long enough, transfer each cutting into its own pot with sterile soil. Water the new plants immediately after planting, and you’re done! You now have new Philodendron micans plants to add to your collection.

    In conclusion, Philodendron micans propagation is a straightforward process that brings joy to any plant enthusiast. Regardless of your skill level, you can take advantage of this method to multiply your velvet leaf Philodendron collection. So, go ahead and try it out! You might be surprised how easy it is to cultivate this gorgeous plant.

    If you want to learn more in detail then check out our in-depth How to do Philodendron Propagation. It is a comprehensive resource that will help you propagate your plants into healthy and happy specimens.

    Click here to buy new Propagation Station Wall Hanging

    Common problems, pests,and diseases of Philodendron Micans

    Velvet leaf Philodendron is a low-maintenance plant, however, there are still a few things to watch out for. Most issues with Philodendron micans can be easily resolved, and many can be prevented by maintaining appropriate growing conditions.

    Keep a watchful eye on the leaves, as they often indicate when something is wrong.


    Velvet leaf Philodendron is susceptible to common houseplant bugs such as spider mites and aphids. Spider mites leave white or yellow spots on the leaf tops and spin sticky webs, while aphids are green and found on the underside of leaves. Simply use a sink nozzle or hand-held shower to wash them off.

    Mealybugs appear as cottony puffs underneath leaves, but can be removed by wiping them off with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol. Scale, resembling brown bumps, typically show up on stems and can be scraped off. To prevent these pests from returning, consider using insecticidal soap or neem oil sprays.


    Employing proper preventive measures can help stop most Philodendron micans diseases from establishing. Consistent moisture, without overwatering, can help deter fungal and bacterial infections.

    Bacterial disease, Erwinia Blight, appears as dark mushy patches on leaves. Disinfect the plant’s pot inside and out, remove all infected parts, and replant in fresh soil.

    Yellowing leaves and mushy stems signify Root Rot, a fungal disease. Remove the root ball, trim blackened roots and dying foliage, and replant in new soil.

    Growing Problems

    If your Philodendron micans appears sickly, it may only require minimal adjustments to its growing conditions. If the leaves curl under, it likely needs more water. Conversely, yellowing leaves suggest excessive watering, whilst brown and crispy leaf edges and leaf spots imply insufficient humidity. If the leaves grow too far apart on the stem, consider moving it to a spot with brighter light.

    Click here to buy the Neem oil

    Is Philodendron Micans toxic?

    The Philodendron micans, also known as Velvet Leaf Philodendron, is part of the araceae family, and is toxic to all animals, including humans and pets due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals throughout the plant.

    For Humans:

    Philodendron micans can cause toxicity in humans. However, the risk of a life-threatening reaction to calcium oxalate is low. Nonetheless, it is important to exercise caution when using this plant in a home with children and to know how to treat any exposure to the toxin.

    The sap from the plant may cause skin irritation, which can be easily washed off with soap and water. In the event that a child ingests a leaf, they may experience swelling and pain around the mouth. Give them something cool and soothing to eat, and ensure that all traces of the plant are cleaned off. If their tongue or throat becomes swollen, immediately take them to the emergency room.

    For Pets:

    All household pets are vulnerable to the toxic effects of Philodendron micans, including birds. If your pet exhibits excessive drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea after ingesting the plant, seek veterinary treatment immediately, as calcium oxalate can lead to long-term kidney damage.

    It is best to keep your Philodendron micans out of reach of small household members, and ideally grow it in a hanging planter or on a high shelf, while keeping its tendrils trimmed to a safe distance from the floor.

    Appearance of Philodendron Micans

    Velvet leaf Philodendron is a stunning plant that has gained popularity on Instagram due to its attractive appearance. The lush foliage of Philodendron micans is the result of its velvet leaves that gracefully fall from a planter or climb up a pole, making it a perfect fit for any space, big or small.


    The heart-shaped leaves are bright green or chartreuse with a delicate pink edge when unfurled, and as they mature, they turn into a deep bronze green on top with a pink or red underside. When illuminated, their glossy surface can appear iridescent, adding to their allure.

    The leaves of the Velvet leaf Philodendron have a unique velvety texture, distinct from other philodendrons, and hence it is not advisable to clean them by wiping. The size of the leaves can range up to 3 inches across and 4 inches in length upon full growth.


    Philodendron micans flowering is rare, and the white and green flowers do not have any fragrance, unlike some other plants. Although the blooming is generally confined only to tropical regions when grown in-ground outdoors.


    However, the Velvet leaf Philodendron does filter common indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene, enhancing indoor air quality significantly, even though it is odorless.

    As a result, Velvet leaf Philodendron is suitable for compact spaces such as studio apartments or places where fragrance allergies are a concern, such as hospitals or nursing homes.


    Philodendron micans is a versatile plant, perfect for any corner of the house. It adapts quickly to different environments and can grow as high as 8 feet in tropical zones. Indoors, simulated growth happens up to 8 inches tall, with trailing stems to about 4 feet. Trailing stems can be guided up a moss pole, hung from a planter, or allowed to trail out of a pot on a high shelf.


    A plant with such qualities can have diverse uses, from adding softness and tropical charm to a shady corner, to enhancing the ambiance of a large bathroom and making an inviting space out of a patio in summer.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What is a Philodendron Micans?

    Philodendron Micans is a species of plant in the Araceae family, native to Central and South America. It features velvety, heart-shaped leaves that are a striking shade of dark green, with a bronze undertone. The plant gets its common name, Velvet Leaf Philodendron, from the soft, velvety texture of its leaves.

    Is Philodendron Micans toxic to cats?

    Philodendron Micans is toxic to pets if ingested. The plant contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation and discomfort if chewed or swallowed. Keep it out of reach of cats or choose pet-safe plants if you have curious animals at home.

    How fast do Philodendron Micans grow?

    Philodendron Micans has a moderate growth rate. Under ideal conditions, it can grow several inches in a year. However, growth rate may vary depending on factors such as light, temperature, and overall care. Regularly pruning and providing proper care can help encourage healthy growth.

    Does Philodendron Micans flower?

    Yes, Philodendron Micans can produce flowers, although it is not a common occurrence when grown as a houseplant. The flowers are usually small, inconspicuous, and surrounded by a spathe-like structure.

    Where can I buy Philodendron Micans?

    Philodendron Micans can be found at many garden centers, nurseries, and online plant shops.

    Can Philodendron Micans be grown in a hanging basket?

    Yes, Philodendron Micans can be grown in a hanging basket. Its long vines and lush foliage make it an attractive addition to any indoor space.

    How tall does Philodendron Micans grow?

    Philodendron Micans can grow up to 8 inches tall-24 inches long

    Can Philodendron Micans be grown as an outdoor plant?

    Philodendron Micans is a tropical plant and is not cold-hardy.