Philodendron Silver Sword (Philodendron hastatum) Care Guide

Looking for a rare and beautiful tropical houseplant to add to your indoor garden? Look no further than Philodendron Silver Sword (Philodendron hastatum)!

Philodendron Silver Sword

This stunning climbing plant is a popular choice for those looking to add a tropical touch to their indoor gardens. With its arrow-shaped leaves and silvery-green color, it’s easy to see why this plant is so beloved. But before adding it to your indoor jungle you must know how to properly take care of this plant to thrive well. Don’t worry though, we’ve got you covered with all the information you need to make an informed decision about adding this beautiful plant to your collection.

philodendron-white-knight plantHow to care for a Philodendron Hastatum

Philodendron Hastatum care is not difficult if you provide it with a medium to bright light in lots of humid environments with the required temperature. It loves to grow in nutrients rich moist soil. let us take a look one by one at how to care for your Hastatum plant to keep its foliage silvery green all year long.

Philodendron Hastatum

    Philodendron Hastatum temperature, light &, and position


    Philodendrons are originally from rainforests, hence they are accustomed to warm temperatures and medium to high humidity. Fortunately, the typical room temperature in your home will work just fine for them. However, ensure that the plant is not exposed to extreme temperature fluctuations or temperatures below 60°F (15°C) for a long duration.

    Light requirements

    It’s essential to note that Philodendrons love bright, indirect light. This will provide the necessary energy for the plant to photosynthesize and thrive. So, choose a spot that’s directly next to a sunny window or one that gets plenty of natural light.

    However, we recommend avoiding prolonged exposure to harsh, direct sunlight, as it can burn the plant’s delicate leaves. So, if your chosen spot receives direct sunlight, you might want to consider diffusing it with a sheer curtain or placing the plant a few feet away from the window.

    On the other hand, a lack of light will result in leggy, stunted growth and lackluster-looking leaves. If you notice that your Philodendron isn’t getting enough light, it might be time to reposition it to a brighter spot.


    If you have a north or east-facing window, you can place your Hastatum Philodendron just a few feet away and watch it thrive. However, if your windows face south or west, it is essential to be more cautious.

    During the summer, a south-facing window that is shaded by a tree can be an ideal location for your plant. However, you should keep in mind that during winter, if the tree loses its leaves, you will need to relocate your Philodendron Xanadu to a shadier spot in your home. Since this plant prefers indirect light, it is crucial to keep this factor in mind to ensure its optimal growth.

    philodendron-white-knight plantPhilodendron Silver Sword Humidity Requirements

    If you’d like to promote healthy growth and a lush look for your Philodendron Silver Sword, increasing the humidity around your plant is a great idea. Although this plant can tolerate standard household humidity levels, it tends to prefer a bit more moisture. You can achieve this by placing your plant near a humidifier, grouping it with other houseplants, or setting it on a pebble tray filled with water. Misting can also be done if you want to increase quickly the humidity around your plant.

    Click here to buy the plant humidifier

    philodendron-white-knight plantFertilizing Silver Sword Philodendron

    To keep your silver sword Philodendron healthy and thriving, it’s important to fertilize it regularly and provide it with nutrient-rich soil. Fertilizing once every two to four weeks during the spring and summer with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half-strength while watering will provide the plant with the necessary nutrients to support healthy growth.

    However, it’s important to stop fertilizing during fall and winter when the plant enters dormancy, as it doesn’t require as many nutrients during this period. By providing your Philodendron silver sword with regular fertilization and nutrient-rich soil, you can ensure it remains healthy and vibrant year-round.

    Click here to buy slow-release fertilizer

    philodendron-white-knight plantWater requirement for Silver Sword plant

    To ensure your plants thrive, it is essential to water them appropriately. The goal is to maintain the soil evenly moist without saturating it. An effective method of determining when it’s necessary to water your plants is by inspecting the top inch of soil. If the soil feels parched, then it’s time to hydrate your plants. Nevertheless, allowing your plants to dry out entirely can cause significant harm to their roots and leaves, leading to stress and damage.

    It’s also essential to be mindful of overwatering. Too much water can drown the roots and cause root rot, which can be detrimental to your plant’s health. An effective way to prevent waterlogging your plants is to wait until the excess water stops dripping from the drainage holes before placing the pot back in its designated location. This technique helps to prevent water accumulation, which can cause root damage and negatively affect your plant’s overall health.

    One useful tip is to wait until the water stops dripping before returning the plant to its original location. This way, you can avoid leaving your plant in standing water, which can lead to root rot and other issues.

    Click here to buy the watering can

    philodendron-white-knight plantBest Soil for Philo Silver Sword

    Today we’ll be talking about soil – specifically, soil for the Philo silver sword. As a fellow aroid, this plant needs the right kind of soil to thrive.

    First off, let’s talk about what kind of soil we’re looking for. The Philodendron silver sword needs a mix that is airy and retains some moisture but also drains well. That may seem like a tall order, but it’s totally doable with the right ingredients.

    You have a few options when it comes to finding soil for your silver sword. You can head to your local specialty plant shop to see if they have any pre-made mixes designed for aroids. Another option is to head online and see if you can find a mix that way.

    But if you’re feeling like you want to be a bit more hands-on, you can easily make your own soil mix. Here’s what you’ll need:

    • Indoor potting soil
    • Perlite
    • Orchid bark mix

    The ratios are fairly simple – just combine equal parts of each ingredient. The result will be a chunky, rich soil mix that your Philodendron silver sword is going to love.

    Now that you have your soil mix, it’s time to get your hands a little dirty. When repotting your plant, make sure that you’re giving it enough space to grow. You want to make sure that the roots have plenty of room to spread out, but you also don’t want to go too big with your pot.

    Once you have your plant in its new home, make sure to give it a good watering. Don’t overdo it, though – you want to make sure that the soil is damp, but not soaked.

    Click here to buy the potting soil

    philodendron-white-knight plant Hastatum Plant potting & re-potting

    As these plants grow and mature, they begin to outgrow their existing container, which can cause a number of issues. Overcrowding can lead to root rot, which ultimately kills the plant. Additionally, a plant that is too crowded may not receive the nutrients it needs to thrive, leading to stunted growth and wilting leaves.

    Repotting your Philodendron Silver Sword is an easy task that can be done at home with a few simple steps.

    • First, you’ll need to choose a new pot that is slightly larger than the current container. Make sure the new pot has adequate drainage holes to prevent root rot.
    • Next, gently remove the plant from its current container and examine the roots. If they appear healthy and white, you can simply trim away any circling roots and place the plant into the new container. If the roots are brown or mushy, it’s a sign of root rot, and you’ll need to trim away the affected areas before repotting.
    • Once your plant is in its new container, fill in the remaining space with fresh potting soil, making sure to leave about an inch of space between the soil and the top of the pot.
    • Water thoroughly, making sure the soil is evenly moist

    It’s worth noting that the best time to repot your Philodendron Silver Sword is during the active growing period (i.e. the spring and summer months). However, if your plant is in dire need of repotting, it can technically be done at any time of the year.

    philodendron-white-knight plantPropagating silver swords Hastatum

    Philodendron silver swords can be easily propagated by stem cuttings, making it a great way to get more plants to share or fill out your existing one. Compared to some other houseplants, this one is relatively simple to propagate, and you’ll see results in just a couple of weeks. Here’s how to do it:

    • Use pruning shears or scissors to take stem cuttings from a healthy and mature Philodendron silver sword.
    • Cuttings should have at least one node along the stem, with two to four being the ideal amount.
    • Remove the bottom one to two leaves from each cutting, leaving at least one leaf (unless it’s a single node cutting).
    • Put the cuttings in a small glass jar or container with room temperature water, making sure the bottom nodes are submerged while the leaves remain above the surface.
    • Place the jar in a warm location with medium to bright indirect light and refresh the water every one to two weeks.
    • After two to three weeks, new roots will begin to emerge from the cuttings. Once these roots are at least an inch in length, you can proceed with planting the cuttings into the soil.
    • Use a small plastic or terracotta pot and fill it with soil that drains well. Plant the cuttings into the soil, and give them a thorough watering.
    • Place the newly potted cuttings back into a warm and bright area. To help the roots adjust from being in water to being in soil, keep the soil evenly moist for the first one to two weeks. After this period, you can resume a regular watering schedule.

    Click here to buy new Propagation Station Wall Hanging

    philodendron-white-knight plantIs Philodendron Silver Sword toxic to pets?

    The Philodendron Silver Sword, also known as Philodendron Hastatum or Silver Stripe, is a beautiful and unique plant with striking silver and green foliage. Though its exotic looks may make it appealing to you, it’s important to know if it could pose a threat to your furry friends.

    But before you rush out to bring this beauty home, it’s important for pet owners and parents of young children to note that like all Philodendrons, the Philodendron silver sword is considered toxic if ingested. When ingested, the plant’s calcium oxalate crystals can cause oral irritation, excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. In severe cases, it can also lead to swelling of the mouth, tongue, and throat, making it difficult for your pet to breathe.

    It’s important to note that while this plant is toxic, it doesn’t necessarily mean it should be avoided entirely. As long as it’s kept out of reach of pets, it can still safely be enjoyed as part of your plant collection. You can also consider pet-friendly alternatives like Spider Plants or Areca Palms, which are non-toxic to pets.

    philodendron-white-knight plantPests, Diseases & Leaves Problems With Philodendron Silver Sword

     silver swords,Tropical plant

    Taking care of a Philodendron silver sword is generally a breeze, but being a tropical plant, it does have specific growth requirements. If these requirements are not met, you might see some common issues with your plant. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

    Yellow Leaves

    There’s nothing more frustrating than putting time and effort into caring for a plant only to watch it slowly deteriorate over time. If you’re noticing yellow leaves on your Philodendron silver sword plant, this could indicate a few different issues. Firstly, make sure that the plant is receiving the correct amount of light. This species prefers bright, indirect light, so if it’s not getting enough sun it could cause the leaves to yellow.

    However, overwatering your plant can also lead to yellow leaves. Make sure you check the soil before watering, and make sure it is dry before doing so. Too much water can cause the plant’s roots to rot, which restricts the flow of nutrients and can cause yellowing leaves.

    It’s also important to watch out for pests, as they can quickly take over and cause yellowing leaves. Make sure you are regularly checking your plant for bugs or any signs of damage, and take action immediately if you notice anything unusual.

    Brown Spots

    If you see brown spots on your Philodendron silver sword plant, it could be due to fungal infections, a lack of humidity, or leaf burn. Small spots on multiple leaves usually indicate a fungal leaf spot disease. If you are seeing large, dry brown spots that are crispy, leaf burn or overly dry conditions are likely to blame.

    To avoid these issues, make sure your plant is getting the right amount of humidity. If your home is particularly dry, you may want to consider purchasing a humidifier, or simply misting the plant with water regularly. Keep the plant away from drafty air vents to avoid dry air.


    This beautiful plant can add a touch of elegance to your home, but it is not immune to pests and diseases that can harm its growth and appearance. That’s why it’s crucial to know the common pests and diseases that can affect it, and how to treat them.

    Let’s start with the pests. Mealybugs are one of the common pests that love to infest Philodendrons, including the silver sword. You can quickly identify them by the white waxy covering they leave on the stems and leaves of the plant. Scale is another pesky critter that can infest your silver sword, and it can cause discoloration and damage to the leaves. Thrips can also invade your plant, leaving silvery streaks on the leaves and damaging the plant’s overall health. Fungus gnats are another typical pest that can attack your plant’s roots, leading to yellow leaves and stunted growth.

    To prevent these pests from causing severe damage to your plant, you should monitor your silver sword regularly. When you spot the first signs of infestation, treat your plants with neem oil or insecticides to nip the problem in the bud.


    Now let’s talk about the diseases that can affect your Philodendron silver sword. One of the most common bacterial diseases is leaf spot. This disease is easy to spot, as it causes small brown or rust-colored dots on the leaves of the plant, which can persist and be tough to eliminate. If left untreated, leaf spot can cause the leaves to yellow and eventually drop off, severely affecting your plant’s health. To treat bacterial leaf spot, use a fungicidal spray, and ensure to follow the instructions on the label carefully.

    Another problematic disease is fungal infections that can spread quickly and cause significant damage to your plant. You should isolate an affected plant from your other houseplants as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading. Treat the fungal infection by using a fungicidal product, but ensure to follow the instructions on the label carefully.

    Now that you know why your plant may be struggling, it’s time to take action. Adjust its environment to correct any issues, and keep a close eye on it to ensure it continues to thrive. With a little bit of care, your Philodendron silver sword will be back to its healthy, vibrant self in no time!

    Click here to buy the Neem oil

    philodendron-white-knightFrequently Asked Questions:

    How often should I water my Philodendron Silver Sword?

    Silver Sword loves moist soil but is not waterlogged. So water it once a week or when the top 2 inches of the soil become dry.

    Does Philodendron Silver Sword need direct sunlight?

    No, Philodendron Silver Sword can’t tolerate bright direct light. It requires partially shaded or diffused light. Too much direct sunlight may burn its leaves and the soil will dry too quickly which will cause dehydration of the plant.

    Can I propagate Philodendron Silver Sword?

    Yes, you can propagate Philodendron Silver Sword by stem cuttings or mature plant division. Stem cuttings are the more easy way of propagation while propagation through plant division can be done when you are repotting your plant.

    How often should I fertilize my Philodendron Silver Sword?

    Philodendron Silver Sword can be regularly fertilized in the growing season (early spring to late summer). You can use a slow-release granular fertilizer or a balanced liquid fertilizer. Always follow the package instructions to avoid overfertilizing.

    Is Philodendron Silver Sword toxic to cats and dogs?

    Yes, it can be toxic if eaten by pets.

    What part of the plant is toxic to pets?

    The leaves and stems contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause oral irritation and swelling of the tongue, mouth, and throat if swallowed.

    What are the symptoms of poisoning in pets?

    Symptoms include vomiting, drooling, difficulty swallowing, loss of appetite, and in severe cases, difficulty breathing.

    What should I do if my pet eats Philodendron Silver Sword?

    If you suspect that your pet has ingested any part of Philodendron Silver Sword, contact a veterinarian immediately for advice. They may recommend inducing vomiting, providing supportive care, or administering medication to alleviate symptoms.

    Can I still keep Philodendron Silver Sword in my home if I have pets?

    Yes, you can keep Philodendron Silver Sword in your home even if you have pets, but it’s important to keep it out of reach and prevent your pets from ingesting any part of the plant.