Why Are My Philodendron Leaves Turning Yellow (Cause and Solution)
Why are my Philodendron's leaves turning yellow Reasons and solutions

As a proud parent of the vibrant and eye-catching philodendron species, you’re likely used to admiring its beauty as it adorns your home decor. However, what happens when you notice the once lush green leaves starting to turn yellow? Suddenly, you’re left wondering what’s going on and why your beloved plant is losing its vibrant glow. Then this question might arise in your mind why are my philodendron leaves turning yellow?

Yellowing of philodendron leaves can be caused by a variety of factors, including environmental stress, cultural factors, pests, and diseases. By understanding the possible causes of yellowing leaves, you can take the necessary steps to address the issue and keep your philodendron plants healthy and vibrant. Remember to provide your plants with proper light, water, and nutrients, and monitor them regularly for signs of stress or disease. With a little care and attention, your philodendron plants will thrive and provide you with years of beauty and enjoyment.

Why Are My Philodendron Leaves Turning Yellow (Cause and Solution)

    Soil moisture

    If your Philodendron’s once shiny green leaves are starting to yellow, it’s likely that you’re not providing the right soil moisture for your plant. Overwatering is a common mistake made in caring for Philodendron plants that can lead to yellowing leaves. When the soil is constantly wet or too damp, the roots of the plant can become waterlogged and start to rot. This not only makes the plant look unsightly, but it can also be harmful to its health and potentially lead to its eventual death.

    Solution for soil moisture problem

    To prevent this issue, it is recommended to water your Philodendron only when the uppermost 25% layer of soil in the pot is dry. This implies waiting for the soil to become dry to the touch before watering. If unsure when to water, insert your finger into the soil, and when it feels dry, it is time to water the plant.

    Check drinage hole blockage

    It is crucial to ensure that you provide adequate amounts of water to your Philodendron, allowing the excess liquid to flow through the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot and into the saucer. This allows the roots to absorb the necessary water and nutrients but also ensures that there’s no excess water left in the soil, which can cause root rot.

    Remove any excess water

    It’s crucial to discard any excess water in the saucer and make sure that your plant isn’t sitting in standing water. This can cause the plant’s roots to rot, making it impossible for it to absorb water and nutrients properly. This is commonly referred to as having “wet feet,” and it can be fatal for your Philodendron.

    Use well drained soil

    Another important factor in providing proper soil moisture for your Philodendron is to maintain a consistent level of moisture. Alternating between bone-dry soil and overly wet soil from sporadic watering can cause stress to your plant, making it more susceptible to disease and pest issues. Sticking to a consistent watering schedule and monitoring soil moisture levels can help prevent this from happening.

    Make watering schedule

    During the winter months, it’s essential to adjust your watering habits. During this time, it’s okay to allow your plant to dry out a little more between waterings. However, it’s still vital to boost humidity levels to ensure that the air around your plant stays moist. Regular misting, using a humidifier or a pebble tray can help achieve the necessary moisture levels.

    Humidity around plant

    One aspect that is frequently overlooked is the humidity level in your plant’s environment. Low humidity levels can cause your plants to suffer, often leading to drooping leaves that eventually turn brown at the edges and eventually yellow. One plant that is particularly sensitive to low humidity is the Philodendron. This plant is a popular choice among plant enthusiasts, but without the proper care, it can quickly become stressed, leading to a less-than-ideal appearance or even death.

    Humidity Solution

    Thankfully, there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening. One of the most effective ways to increase the humidity level around your Philodendron is to mist its leaves regularly. A simple misting using a spray bottle can work wonders in keeping the humidity at desirable levels.

    mist your plant

    When misting your Philodendron, make sure to avoid misting in direct sunlight or during times of day when temperatures are at their peak. Doing so can cause water droplets to act like tiny magnifying glasses, potentially burning your plant’s leaves.

    Use Plant humidifier

    Another option to consider when attempting to increase humidity is to use a humidifier. A humidifier can be especially helpful in managing humidity levels in larger areas or when managing multiple plants.

    Pebble tray

    In addition to misting and using a humidifier, you can also utilize a pebble tray. A pebble tray is a makeshift tray made by filling a small, shallow container with rocks, then filling it with water. The water should never reach the top surface of the pebbles, and the plant should not sit directly in the container. Instead, the container should be placed on the tray, and the water will slowly evaporate, increasing the surrounding humidity.

    Improper Light

    Philodendrons prefer bright indirect sunlight. This means that they need to be placed near a window where they can receive plenty of natural light but not be directly exposed to the sun’s rays. If you expose your Philodendron to direct sunlight for too long, the leaves will burn and turn brown or yellow.

    Very low light

    If you live in a home with limited natural light, don’t worry – Philodendrons can still thrive in low light conditions. However, their growth will be slower, and their leaves may turn yellow if they are placed in very low light. While Philodendrons can adapt to low light conditions, if the light is too low for too long, the plant will eventually decline.

    Too intense light

    Now, let’s talk about what happens when Philodendrons are exposed to improper light conditions. If your Philodendron is getting too much direct sunlight, the foliage may burn. This will result in brown or yellow patches on the leaves. Once the damage is done, there is no way to reverse it, and you will need to prune off the damaged leaves.

    Not enough light

    On the other hand, if your Philodendron is not getting enough light, its growth will slow, and the leaves may turn yellow. Yellow leaves are a sign that the plant is not receiving enough light to produce energy through photosynthesis. In this case, you may need to move your plant to a brighter location or provide supplemental lighting.

    Solution for Improper Light

    Remember, Philodendrons are adaptable plants, but they still need the right amount of light to thrive. When you bring home a new Philodendron, be sure to do your research and find out exactly what kind of light it needs. If you notice any signs of damage or yellowing leaves, take action right away to correct the lighting conditions and prevent further damage.

    Temprature fluctuaion

    Tropical plants are easily affected by temperature changes, especially large fluctuations that can make them quite unhappy. Prolonged exposure to low temperatures can lead to their complete demise, while shorter bursts of cold can cause their leaves to turn yellow. To avoid any cold-related mishaps, it’s recommended to keep these plants indoors if temperatures outside drop below 50 degrees. The main reason why low temperatures pose a threat to these plants is that they have evolved to thrive in warm and humid conditions, which is why exposure to cold temperatures can easily lead to negative consequences.

    Large temperature fluctuations can make these tropical plants unhappy. If they get too cold for too long, they will completely die. Shorter bursts of cold can cause yellow leaves. It’s best to keep them indoors if the temperature drops below 50 degrees outside!

    Why Are Low Temperatures a Problem?

    Tropical plants have evolved to thrive in warm, humid environments. In their native habitats, temperatures don’t typically drop below 60 or 70 degrees Fahrenheit. When they are suddenly exposed to lower temperatures, it can cause major stress on their systems. In severe cases, it can even kill them.

    This is because tropical plants have a difficult time regulating their internal temperatures. They are adapted to absorb and retain heat, which is why they have such large, broad leaves. When the temperature drops too low, it can inhibit their ability to photosynthesize, which can lead to yellowing or even death.

    Solution for Temperatures a Problem

    If you live in an area with cold temperatures, it’s important to take steps to protect your tropical plants. The first step is to keep them indoors when the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This will ensure that they are not exposed to the extreme temperature fluctuations that can harm them.

    You can also help to regulate the temperature in your home by keeping your plants away from windows and drafty areas. In the winter, you may need to invest in a humidifier to keep the air moist, which will help your plants to retain their moisture and thrive.

    If you must keep your tropical plants outside, there are a few things you can do to protect them. Cover them with a blanket or tarp when the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This will help to insulate them and protect them from the cold.

    Deficiency of nutrients

    One common issue that could arise with these beautiful plants is the yellowing of leaves. The cause of the yellowing could stem from a deficiency of iron and magnesium, a condition known as chlorosis.Plants require a particular balance of nutrients in the soil to grow and maintain their health. Iron plays a crucial role in the process that produces chlorophyll, which gives leaves their green color. Without adequate iron, the leaves will begin to lose their green color and turn yellow. To resolve the issue, you’ll need to supply it with iron to help them turn green again.

    Solution for nutrients deficiency

    New growth in plants requires calcium, magnesium, and zinc, and a deficiency could manifest as yellowing of foliage. A lack of magnesium in the soil could cause yellow spots on the foliage’s surface. Therefore, if you notice that your Philodendron’s leaves are turning yellow, it is likely an indication of a nutrient deficiency in the soil.

    Analyze soil

    To ensure that the soil has the right balance of nutrients, we recommend using a soil tester to diagnose the issue before adding any fertilizers. Once you’ve identified the nutrient deficiency, correcting the problem is simple. For yellow leaves that require magnesium, you can add a teaspoon of magnesium sulfate supplement (Epson Salts) to a gallon of water. However, you should use the water sparingly without drenching the soil, as too much water can adversely affect the plant’s health.

    If the yellowing issue persists, then it may be due to a lack of iron. You can address this problem by using a store-bought fertilizer that contains iron, such as Ironite, which will help fix the problem and improve the plant’s health.

    Over fertilization

    Excessively adding fertilizer is another culprit that often damages Philodendron leaves. While feeding your indoor or outdoor plants is important for their growth, over-fertilizing can result in yellowed leaf tips and drops.

    Solution for Over fertilization

    Fortunately, you can address this issue. Begin by placing your plant in the sink and flushing the soil with water. Repeat this process up to four times to flush out any salt buildup and excess fertilizer.

    However, it’s important to allow your plant to drain before repeating the process. If you’re concerned about the health of your plant, you can remove it from the pot, check the roots, remove any damaged ones, and then replant it in fresh potting soil.


    Pest infestations are a common problem that many plant owners face, and it can be frustrating to see your beloved plants suffering due to these unwelcome guests. One type of plant that is especially vulnerable to pests is the philodendron. Among the pests that can infest a philodendron, spider mites, and mealybugs are two of the most common culprits that can cause the leaves to turn yellow.

    Spider mites

    These are tiny arachnids that thrive in warm and dry conditions. They feed on the sap of philodendrons, which can cause yellowing, stippling, and webbing on the leaves. These pests are so small that they are often invisible to the naked eye, but they can quickly multiply and cause significant damage to your plants. If you suspect that your philodendron has a spider mite infestation, you can confirm it by shaking the leaves over a white paper, and seeing if there are any tiny moving specks. You can also use a magnifying lens and check under the leaves.


    Mealybugs are soft-bodied insects that look like tiny pieces of cotton. The philodendrons serve as a food source for these pests, as they extract the sap from the leaves, resulting in yellowing, stippling, and webbing. These nuisances are so minute that they can easily go unnoticed, but their rapid multiplication can lead to severe harm to your flourishing plants.

    Solution for Mealybugs & Spider mites

    To get rid of spider mites or mealybugs, you can use a pesticide specially formulated for these pests or an insecticidal soap that can suffocate them. Always read the instructions and then use them. Be sure to wear gloves and protective gear, and don’t apply the pesticide on hot and sunny days as some pesticides can damage the plant if exposed to direct sunlight.

    Apart from using a pesticide, you can also control pest infestation by keeping the plant in a healthy condition. A healthy plant is less susceptible to pest infestations, so make sure to give your philodendron proper watering and fertilization. Don’t over-fertilize or overwater, as this can lead to other problems that can weaken the plant’s immune system.


    In addition to environmental and cultural factors, philodendron plants can also be susceptible to certain diseases that can cause yellowing of the leaves.

    Bacterial blight

    Bacterial blight is a bacterial disease that can cause yellowing of the leaves, as well as black or brown spots and wilting. The disease is caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris and can be spread through water, pruning tools, or other contaminated objects.

    Solution for Bacterial blight

    To prevent bacterial blight, make sure to water your philodendron plants properly and avoid getting water on the leaves. Watering from the bottom of the pot is best, as it avoids getting the leaves wet. If you need to water from the top, be sure to do it in the morning so that the leaves have time to dry before nightfall.

    If your philodendron does get infected with bacterial blight, it’s important to prune off any infected leaves and sterilize your pruning tools before using them again. You can also try using a copper fungicide to help control the spread of the disease.

    Fungal Leaf Spots

    Fungal leaf spots are another common disease that can cause yellowing of philodendron leaves. This disease is caused by several different types of fungi and can cause circular or irregular spots on the leaves that are yellow, brown, or black.

    Solution for Fungal Leaf Spots

    To avoid fungal leaf spots, avoid overwatering your philodendron and provide good air circulation. If you do notice leaf spots, remove infected leaves and treat the plant with a fungicide. You can also increase the plant’s resistance to disease by fertilizing regularly and ensuring that it receives the proper amount of light.

    Root Rot

    Root rot is a type of fungal disease that can lead to various symptoms like yellow leaves, wilting, stunted growth, and brown, mushy roots. This disease mostly occurs when the plant is overwatered, and there’s poor drainage or heavy and compacted soil.

    Solution for Root Rot

    To protect the root rot, it is necessary to plant philodendrons in well-drained soil and avoid excessive watering. Moreover, the addition of perlite or sand to the soil mix can provide better drainage. In case the signs of root rot are noticed, it is advisable to remove the plant from the pot and cut off the infected roots. Afterward, the plant should be repotted using fresh, sterile soil while ensuring that it is dried in between waterings.

    Plant Aging

    As plants age, their leaves also age, and yellowing is a natural part of this process. As your Philodendron’s leaves mature, they may undergo a yellowing process before eventually falling off the plant. If you notice that the yellowing is limited to the lower leaves, it may be a natural aging process. You can trim off these discolored leaves using sanitized and sharp scissors or pruning shears. The primary aim of pruning is to allow your plant to channel its resources into growing new foliage instead of preserving the older ones.

    Natural process

    In addition to the reasons mentioned earlier, it is also important to note that some yellowing on Philodendron plants is natural. As the plant grows, it will shed its old leaves and redirect energy toward new growth. If the yellowing leaves are at the bottom of the plant and there is new growth at the top, this is a sign that your Philodendron is simply going through a natural process of shedding old leaves.

    However, if you notice yellowing on leaves in the middle or top of the plant, or if the yellowing is accompanied by other symptoms like wilting, curling, or brown spots, it may be a sign of a more serious issue. In such cases, it is important to identify the underlying cause and take appropriate steps to address it in order to keep your Philodendron healthy and vibrant.


    Why are the leaves on my Philodendron Leaves Turning Yellow?

    Philodendron leaves can turn yellow due to various reasons such as overwatering, underwatering, pests or diseases, nutrient deficiency, and environmental stress. Yes, overwatering can cause yellow leaves on a Philodendron as it leads to root rot and suffocation of roots.

    Can overwatering and underwatering cause yellow leaves on a Philodendron?

    Yes, overwatering and underwatering is the most common cause of yellow leaves on a Philodendron. When the roots are waterlogged and can’t get enough oxygen, they will start to rot, making it difficult for the plant to absorb nutrients. This leads to yellowing and eventually falling off of the leaves.

    What should I do if my Philodendron Leaves Turning Yellow?

    You should identify the underlying cause and take appropriate measures such as adjusting watering frequency, providing proper drainage, checking for pests and diseases, and providing optimal growing conditions.

    How often should I water my Philodendron to prevent yellowing leaves?

    Philodendrons thrive in well-draining soil and prefer moist but not waterlogged soil. Water your Philodendron once a week when the top inch of soil feels dry. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot and yellowing of leaves.

    Is it normal for older leaves on a Philodendron to turn yellow and fall off?

    Yes, it is normal for older leaves on a Philodendron to turn yellow and fall off as part of the natural growth process.As the plant grows, the lower leaves may age and die naturally, making room for newer leaves.

    Can pests or diseases cause yellow leaves on a Philodendron?

    Yes, pests and diseases can cause yellowing of leaves on a Philodendron. Common pests such as spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects can cause yellow leaves, while fungal diseases like leaf spot and root rot can also result in yellowing. Regularly checking your plant for pests and diseases can help prevent and treat these issues.

    Should I fertilize my Philodendron if the leaves are turning yellow?

    No, it’s not recommended to fertilize your Philodendron if the leaves are turning yellow. Yellow leaves are a sign of stress, and fertilizing can worsen the problem. diagnose the underlying issue before fertilizing.

    Can direct sunlight cause yellow leaves on a Philodendron?

    Yes, direct sunlight can cause yellowing of leaves on a Philodendron. These plants prefer indirect, bright light, and direct sunlight can cause damage and stress to the plant

    Do different Philodendron varieties have different needs when it comes to preventing yellow leaves?

    Yes, different Philodendron varieties have different needs when it comes to preventing yellow leaves. Some varieties prefer brighter light, while others prefer more shade. Check the care instructions for your specific variety to ensure you’re meeting its needs.

    How long does it take for a Philodendron’s leaves to turn green again after being yellow?

    Once the underlying issue has been addressed, it can take several weeks for the plant to recover and produce new, healthy leaves. Be patient and continue to care for your plant properly. 11. Why do Philodendron leaves turn yellow

    Why does Philodendron Leaves Turning Yellow?

    Yellow leaves on a Philodendron can be caused by various factors, including overwatering, incorrect lighting, lack of nutrients, pests, and diseases. Identifying the underlying issue and addressing it is key to preventing yellow leaves.

    Can I save my philodendron plants if the leaves have turned yellow?

    Yes, you can by adjusting watering frequency, providing proper drainage, checking for pests and diseases, providing optimal growing conditions, and pruning damaged leaves. It’s essential to act quickly and address the issue to prevent further damage and improve the plant’s overall health.

    Can over-fertilization cause the leaves of my philodendron plants to turn yellow?

    Yes, over-fertilization can cause yellow leaves on a Philodendron as it can lead to a buildup of salts and other nutrients in the soil, causing root damage and nutrient imbalances.

    Is yellowing of Philodendron leaves a common issue?

    Yes, yellowing of Philodendron leaves is a common issue as it can be caused by various factors and is often a sign of stress or poor health.

    Can pests be a reason for my Philodendron leaves to turn yellow?

    Yes, pests such asmealybugs, spider mites, and fungal infections can cause yellow leaves on a Philodendron plant.

    What are some effective treatments for yellowing Philodendron leaves?”

    Effective treatments for yellowing Philodendron leaves include identifying the underlying cause and taking appropriate measures such as adjusting watering, providing proper drainage, treating pests and diseases, providing optimal growing conditions, and pruning damaged leaves.